Organization skills | |
How can studentsdemonstrateorganization skills? | Managing time and tasks effectively
Affective skills | |
How can studentsmanage their own stateof mind? | Managing state of mind
–– Practise focus and concentration –– Practise strategies to develop mental focus –– Practise strategies to overcome distractions –– Practise being aware of body–mind connections
–– Demonstrate persistence and perseverance –– Practise delaying gratification
–– Practise strategies to overcome impulsiveness and anger –– Practise strategies to prevent and eliminate bullying –– Practise strategies to reduce stress and anxiety
–– Practise analysing and attributing causes for failure –– Practise managing self-talk –– Practise positive thinking
–– Practise “bouncing back” after adversity, mistakes and failures –– Practise “failing well” –– Practise dealing with disappointment and unmet expectations –– Practise dealing with change |
Reflection skills | |
How can students bereflective? | (Re)considering the process of learning; choosing and using ATL skills
–– What did I learn about today? –– What don’t I yet understand? –– What questions do I have now?
–– What can I already do? –– How can I share my skills to help peers who need more practice? –– What will I work on next?
–– What can I do to become a more efficient and effective learner? –– How can I become more flexible in my choice of learning strategies? –– What factors are important for helping me learn well?