Personal Project 2016: Final Actions

PP Soft Copy and  PP Hard Copy of Report to Supervisor with Academic Hon. Form, Journal and Product

Drop PP Soft Copy of Report on File Server:


Only one PDF file!

PDF File Naming protocol:  PP_Report_Cameron_Young

You will have completed your Personal Project after you present your product/outcome at the PP exhibition on March 7 and 8.  FYI:  The 3-5 teachers assigned to grade your PP will have a chance to visit you and analyse the quality of your product.




Draft of Report due Wed. Jan. 13, 16:00

An incompleted Draft of Report is better than no draft at all! You will receive feedback on what you have completed already. This will help you focus on what needs to be done to finish. Show and provide to your supervisor:

  • Your journal with all entries up to date
  • A beginning or completed Report Draft with proper structure (even unfinished)
  • Quality journal entries selected for assessment (10 A4 pages maximum)
  • Evidence of product or outcome completed (Photos, videos or product itself)

Book an appointment in person with your supervisor before 16:00 on Wednesday.

Good work!


Tuesday Sept 22: PP Full Day

PP FULL DAY Tuesday Sept. 22th 2015 MYP LGR

8:05 to 9:10  Introduction  (Mr. Morin)


Welcome (Mr Morin)

Sharing Activity (Ms Clarke)

Making Groups A B C based on progress so far(Mr Morin)

9:10  to 10:10  First Rotation

D-220 Gr. A: Work on your PP (Ms Clarke, Ms Johnson, Ms Keus)

MYP LGR Gr. B: Understanding the Criteria (Mr Marsh, Mr Messom)

TBC Room Gr. C: Format- Media- Turnitin (Ms Snyder, Mr Morin)

10:10 to 10:30  Break

10:30 to 11:30  2nd Rotation

D-220 Gr. B: Work on your PP (Ms Clarke, Ms Johnson, Ms Keus)

MYP LGR Gr. C: Understanding the Criteria (Mr Marsh, Mr Messom)

TBC Room Gr. A: Format- Media- Turnitin (Ms Snyder, Mr Morin)

11:30 to 12:30 3rd Rotation

D-220 Gr. C: Work on your PP (Ms Clarke, Ms Johnson, Ms Keus)

MYP LGR Gr. A: Understanding the Criteria (Mr Marsh, Mr Messom)

TBC Room Gr. B: Format- Media- Turnitin (Ms Snyder, Mr Morin)

12:30 to 13:30  Lunch

13:30 to 14:30

D-220 and MYP LGR   Gr. A B C Work on your own PP (All Mentors present)

Friday September 18: Extended Advisory MYP LGR

Agenda for Friday Sept. 18th 2015 Advisory – LGR

Ms Snyder: Organization and Tools

Go over Blog

3 Boxes – Signed by your supervisor and a mentor

Tuesday Sept 22nd: Outline of Day presented

Ms Keus

Student Guide & Timeline of the process

Mr Marsh 

Challenging goal, quality product, manageable and feasible at NIS

Extra Time:

Get 3 Boxes Signed – Chat

Printed Version of PP Student Guide


For PP Students and PP Supervisors:

For those who would really like a printed version of the PP Student Guide contact Mr Morin.  Please do only If you are convinced that you would use and appreciate a printed version. We will collect them back at end of year for use next year.

Subject of e-mail: “Printed Guide”.


Before 17:00h. TODAY!  Before 5:00 PM Today, Monday Sept. 14

Goal – Global Context – Product

Friday September 18 during extended advisory: all Grade 10 students will meet in the MYP LGR at 8:05

Please bring:

Your 3 Boxes signed by PP supervisor and at least one PP mentor.


The PP mentors are:

Amy Keus <>Robin Marsh <>Minza Snyder <>Ruth Clarke <>Andrew Messom <>Emily Johnson <>Francis Morin <>

Reminder: All meetings and actions related to PP are documented and analyzed in the Process Journal. Your journal can include different media format such as video, audio or hand written entries. See the “NIS PPP Student Guide” to bring quality in your journal entries.