The Process journal

The Process Journal should be :

design by the student in a format that suits his or her needs

a place for planning

a place for recording interactions with sources, ie: teachers, supervisors, external sources

a place for storing useful information — quotes, pictures, ideas

a means of exploring ideas and alternatives

a place for reflection on stages of the project

a place for evaluating work completed

a place for reflecting on learning

useful for the student when receiving formative feedback

a collection of  information to produce the project report

Process journal

Is a complete record of everything you do:

– Notes and ideas while a topic is selected

– Concepts for your project

– Drawings, photos

– Copies or recording of Interview with experts

– Plan for your project

– Timelines with details

– Record of meetings with supervisor

-On going reflection about what you learn (To help you with Reflect on learning)

– On going reflection on how your learn

– On going reflection about focus of Area of Interaction (AoI)

– Photos of you in action


Introduction of the report

A quality introduction:

Contains a brief description of the context leading to the selection of the topic.

– A clear stated goal

– A research question

– One appropriately selected Area of Interaction

– A list of complete and rigourous specifications

Note: See Student Guide on Page about Criterion B: Define the goal




What is the Personal Project

What is the Personal Process Project?


The Personal Process is just that – a process to create a project about something personal – something that you are interested in.   This process is produced over 6-8 months.


A student’s personal project consists of three components:

  1. The process journal
  2. The report
  3. The product/outcome