Draft of Report due Wed. Jan. 13, 16:00

An incompleted Draft of Report is better than no draft at all! You will receive feedback on what you have completed already. This will help you focus on what needs to be done to finish. Show and provide to your supervisor:

  • Your journal with all entries up to date
  • A beginning or completed Report Draft with proper structure (even unfinished)
  • Quality journal entries selected for assessment (10 A4 pages maximum)
  • Evidence of product or outcome completed (Photos, videos or product itself)

Book an appointment in person with your supervisor before 16:00 on Wednesday.

Good work!


Goal – Global Context – Product

Friday September 18 during extended advisory: all Grade 10 students will meet in the MYP LGR at 8:05

Please bring:

Your 3 Boxes signed by PP supervisor and at least one PP mentor.


The PP mentors are:

Amy Keus <amykeus@staff.nanjing-school.com>Robin Marsh <robinmarsh@staff.nanjing-school.com>Minza Snyder <minzasnyder@nanjing-school.com>Ruth Clarke <ruthclarke@staff.nanjing-school.com>Andrew Messom <andrewmessom@staff.nanjing-school.com>Emily Johnson <emilyjohnson@staff.nanjing-school.com>Francis Morin <francismorin@staff.nanjing-school.com>

Reminder: All meetings and actions related to PP are documented and analyzed in the Process Journal. Your journal can include different media format such as video, audio or hand written entries. See the “NIS PPP Student Guide” to bring quality in your journal entries.

Choosing Journal Extracts

Here’s a handy checklist to help you choose your process journal samples:

Green-Check-MarkSamples showing dates from August through February.

Green-Check-MarkSamples are truthful (your supervisor will know if you add embellishments!)

Green-Check-MarkSamples show your self-management, research, thinking, and communication skills.

Green-Check-MarkSome sources are shown. They are correctly cited and are evaluated for positives, negatives, biases, etc.

Green-Check-MarkYou’ve included your original goal and a plan for doing it.

Green-Check-MarkSamples show discussion of problems that came up and how you fixed them.

Green-Check-MarkSamples show what your supervisor discussed and what you did based on the feedback.

Green-Check-MarkReflections are critical and not just narrations.


One sample might meet several requirements. For example, your plan dated in August will also show self-management skills. Your reflection on your supervisor’s feedback – dated in October – will show progress over time, reflection, and supervisor discussion. Go through your process journal and make sure that you pick really good samples that meet as many band descriptors as possible!
Here’s the band descriptors that go with your checklist:
*the process journal has been built up regularly covering the entire period of the project
*a genuine document that has accompanied the student throughout the process and has been used productively
*all ATL behaviours shown
*sources are recorded
*includes evidence of goal setting and planning to achieve the goal
*problems encountered are recorded and solutions suggested as a result of debate and discussion
*dialogue between student and supervisor recorded and evidence of action based on supervisor’s feedback
*reflections on the progress of the project are meaningful

The PP Process Journal (start on week 3)

The Process Journal is:

in a format decided by the student

a place for planning, drafting and sketching

a place for recording interactions with sources, ie: teachers, supervisors, external sources

a place for storing useful information — quotes, pictures, ideas, written sources

a means of exploring ideas and alternatives

a place for reflection on stages of the project

a place for evaluating work completed

a place for reflecting on learning

a place to react after receiving formative feedback

a collection of  all the information needed to produce the project report

Week 19: Draft of Report due Friday


The first draft of your report is due on Friday to your supervisor.

Please plan a meeting in person :


Report Structure:

Title Page ( Student name, school name, year, title of project and length (word count if written)

Introduction including  (Context, a clear goal,  how you intend to achieve your goal and an AoI focus)

Selection of Sources

Application of Information

Achieving the goal

Reflection on Learning


Appendices to report



Coming up next week and due before Friday of week 20


Excerpt of Process Journal 

10 to 20 of your best entries from your process journal

You should select entries showing well developed:

organisation skills, collaboration with supervisor, information literacy, thinking and reflection

(If you have less than 20 entries all together it may be good to only present your best 10 out of 20)



Week 18: Updates

Week 18: Meet your supervisor this week to: 

1. Present update on “almost completed” product

2. Present up to date process journal ( not on the computer screen anymore)

3. Show to supervisor “applied information” during creation

4. Get a “guestimated” grade for Criterion A again, and a first impression of D

5. Present plan of action to complete product and report (see due dates below)


A: Product completed and “submittable” to supervisor on Friday of week 19.

B: First Draft of PPP Report due to supervisor on Friday of week 20.

C: PPP Product and PPP final Report due to PPP coordinator (Mr. Morin) on February 6 (Week 22).

D: PPP exhibition on March 7 (Week 24)  






Creating your product



Remember to maintain a detailed process journal during creation.

 Your product is DUE to be completed soon after our return in January. This means that your product needs to be SUBMIT-ABLE by Wednesday of week 19.  You should be able to self-assess Criteria A-D DURING THE HOLIDAY. You are still allowed to make improvements on these sections. You should also be able to assess Criterion E by your return in January.

 We hope you have a clear plan of action before we meet again in January.

 Mr Morin

Week 15: Successful Students

At this point successful students:

– are either creating their product or have a clear plan about when and how creation will take place
– have a detailed Process Journal including all their accomplished work so far (Process Journal)
– have a variety of analyzed and anotated  sources related to their project (Select sources)
– have a number of ideas, influence, techniques which will impact the creation of their product or themselves as a person (Apply Information)
– have their AoI and goal in mind and have it clearly showing in their Process Journal and their entire project