Here is this year’s PPP guide.
These are the notes we took during homeroom.
Here is this year’s PPP guide.
These are the notes we took during homeroom.
The Process Journal is:
in a format decided by the student
a place for planning, drafting and sketching
a place for recording interactions with sources, ie: teachers, supervisors, external sources
a place for storing useful information — quotes, pictures, ideas, written sources
a means of exploring ideas and alternatives
a place for reflection on stages of the project
a place for evaluating work completed
a place for reflecting on learning
a place to react after receiving formative feedback
a collection of all the information needed to produce the project report
This week is about clarifying topic, AoI, PP question and the goal.
Students are using the document started in grade 9. ( Mr Morin will give them back today)
Students are expected to show four boxes to supervisor next week, week 4.
All blog post below are from last school year.
They are for consultation only.
Dates and deadlines may have change for this year.
Thursday March 7 is the Exhibition
You are expected to:
Dress up for the occasion
Be prepared to show your product (Collect from Mr. Morin if stored in his class)
Answer questions from visitors
Show your report (You will receive original printed copy from Mr. Morin)
Show your Process Journal (Your Supervisor has your original. Collect today or before 9:30)
Have “visuals” behind your table (Title, topic, support material)
P1: Set Up in Centre LGR 3rd floor
The Personal Project Exhibition will be on Thursday March 7. The exhibition will be based in the the Centre’s third floor multipurpose room. Each student has a table, a chair and 1/2 of a bulletin board as a standard set up. If you need additional material or space let Mr Morin know by lunch Monday March 4th.If you are planning to use your laptops make sure it is fully charged the night before.
PPP Material or Space Request (Send to Mr Morin before Monday March 4)
Student name:
Explain need:
Hi Students (and Supervisors)-
For those of you who experienced some problems with submitting your paper to, the problems should be fixed now and so please try again.
All students should check to see that they only have ONE (1) account created in Turnitin using their school email address. If you have any other accounts created with other email addresses (Gmail, Hotmail etc) please delete these accounts and use your school email only (note that you use the same account for all of your various teachers and classes).
If you have further problems, please come see Mrs. Rinker in the library-
Congrats on being done! Have a wonderfully restful holiday!
Mrs. Rinker
Please review last Blog Post about Final Instructions. ( It has been modified slightly)
Only one Hard copy needed
Report to Turnitin before 16:00 tomorrow: A PDF version of your REPORT
(You should only submit once)
Please read final instructions: Bring questions to Homeroom :
You need to export your Report from “Pages” to PDF.
From “Pages” document to PDF: Share / export / PDF
PP Soft copy of REPORT in PDF format to Class ID: 6088629 PW: ppp123
PP REPORT: A PDF Soft copy and 1 printed copy of your REPORT to your supervisor
PP PROCESS JOURNAL: Original PROCESS JOURNAL to your supervisor
EXCERPT of PROCESS JOURNAL: A PDF soft copy and 1 printed copy to supervisor (10 to 20 entries)
PRODUCT: The Product to your supervisor
(e-product should be hand in by 16:00 ( USB, email or airdrop to supervisor)
Due Wednesday February 6 before 16:00 (To your supervisor )
-The entire Process journal (all together)
– Excerpt of Process Journal (10 to 20 best entries)
– PPP Report (including Appendices and reference list)
– Product
You have one week to improve your Personal Project based on the feedback received from your supervisor.
Students trailing behind must report to “PPP Lunch Club” every first part of lunch every day until February 6.
PPP Club starts on Monday for students who did not meet the week 19 Friday deadline (16:00)
PPP Club starts on Tuesday for students with an predicted score of less than 12 point for their PPP.
Where: Mr Morin’s room D-243
When: Every day first half of lunch break ( Monday to Friday)
For whom: PPP students with a cumulated score below 12 points or with their first draft of report not finished
Until when: Until score is reached
Optional? No! It is mandatory and attendance will be taken
Please come to the PPP club if you qualify. Your supervisor is the person who will cancel your “forced membership” when you are not meeting any of the two categories anymore.