Day: March 2, 2017

Choir is Today!

I’m trying to remember one of the many reasons why choir used to be awesome… oh, right… Yummy treats! If you come to choir today, we will be singing, “Lemon Tree,”  “What the World Needs,” and will be having a yummy treat made of cream cheese, butter, egg, vanilla extract, white sugar, and flour.

Today in room M252, from 3:15 – 4:15. See you there!

Veracross Parents/Students Portal View

For Veracross, you might want to see:

  1. How parents and students view their assignments
  2. How parents/students view your feedback and their Grades
  3. How students submit their homework files
  4. How parents/students sign up for activities
  5. How parents/students portal looks like
  6. And etc…

Here is demo portal for you to browse all the things you want to know. Please try it and let us know if you want a walk through.

Click this link: Demo Portal Landing

To view parents portal: 

USN: vc.client.faculty_1
PSW: Veracross2016

To view students portal: 

USN: vc.client.student_1
PSW: Veracross2016

PYP Exhibition “NOT FAIR!”

Dear Teachers, Parents and Friends,

Grade 5 have chosen “Fairness” as the overall theme for their 2017 Exhibition.

To spark their interest, we are looking for any adult who may like to come into class to talk to the students about their own experience of fairness through their work here in China or a personal experience or interest in any organizations that overcomes fairness that would be relevant to their overall understanding of this theme.

An example here in Nanjing would be a trailing spouse who had to give up friends, a job and social life to follow the working spouse and then found an alternative fulfilment here in China through charity work.

Some “unfairness ideas” already suggested by the students are world food/water supplies, animal rights, racism, and various types of discrimination.

Please e-mail any of the grade 5 teachers if you would be willing to help.



Think systemically……5th grade need mentors to be part of the Exhibition system.

Why we have Exhibition

  • For students to engage in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry
  • To provide students an opportunity to demonstrate independence and responsibility for their own learning
  • To provide students with an opportunity to explore multiple perspectives
  • For students to synthesize and apply learning of previous years and to reflect upon their journey through the PYP
  • To provide an authentic process for assessing student understanding
  • To demonstrate how students can take action as a result of their learning
  • To unite the students, teachers, parents and other members of the school community in a collaborative experience that incorporates the essential elements of the PYP
  • To celebrate the transition of learners in the primary to middle/secondary education

Your mentor role

  • The role of the mentor is chiefly to advise and keep students on track
  • There should be regular meetings. For the most part we would like mentor meetings to happen during UOI time, in the grade 5 classrooms.
  • Offer advice on locating resources and using them efficiently
  • Ask questions (i.e. to clarify thinking, to help with processing information, to extend knowledge etc.)
  • Help interpret sophisticated/difficult information
  • Facilitate interviews, telephone calls, any electronic communication
  • Goal setting and time management advice
  • Be supportive and encouraging
  • Celebrate achievements and successes with the students

Please email any of the grade 5 teachers if you are willing to be a part of this exciting journey!

Calisthenics – Grade 8 to 12

For grades 8 to 12! Every Thursday afternoon from 3:15 PM till 4:15 PM there will be a calisthenics training outside at the bars. Everyone is welcome to participate, both boys and girls. Calisthenics is an ancient Greek sport which focuses on bodyweight exercises. Come and give it a try, no sign up needed. Let’s have fun training together!

For more information – Shaquille Mac-Intosh, Athletics office

ACAMIS Track & Field is up and running!!

Open to Gr7 – 12. Practices are now Wednesdays (4.20 – 5.50pm) and Fridays (3.15 – 4.30pm). There will be an ACAMIS trip for Gr7 – 8 and for Gr9 – 12 in Beijing, plus a SISAC trip to Shanghai for Gr9 – 12. Come along this Friday.  Sign up on Veracross. If you have a clash and cannot sign up, come and speak to Mr Clarke.


Life 101 Today!

Hi Again Grade 7-11 Rockstars!

Your next round of Life 101 starts TODAY at the usual time. See below for locations:

Grade 7: Sex Ed: Upstairs Cafeteria – Mr. Bratton/Ms. Bezzerides

Grade 8: Nutrition: Upstairs Design Center: Mr. Dutton

Grade 9:Managebac: Drama Classroom: Mr. Hutchinson

Grade 10: Police Talk: Music Room: Mrs. Tyoschin

Grade 11: College Counseling: H 302A – 3rd Floor in the Centre: Mrs. Galaty

Grades 6-9: Live Theatre Tomorrow!

Hello Middle School Students,

Tomorrow morning you will get the chance to see the amazing PYP production of “What a Knight!”

Who: Grades 6-9

When: 8:45-10:15am

Where: PAC

Why: To support your PYP peers!

What: Be on your best showtime behavior!

More infö to come in tomorrow’s daily bulletin!

Open Mic on International Women’s Day

Wednesday March 8 is International Women’s Day and this year we will have an open mic in the library at lunch. We are looking for MYP/DP students or teachers who would like to share a reading or perform a spoken word/slam poetry piece on the theme of women’s issues. For more information contact Anselma, Tilly, Angela L, Ms. Iris or Mrs. Rinker. Hope to see you there!

Life 101 Today

Life 101 Today:

Grade 7: Sex Ed: Upstairs Cafeteria – Mr. Bratton

Grade 8: Nutrition: Upstairs Design Center: Mr. Dutton

Grade 9:Managebac: Drama Classroom: Mr. Hutchinson

Grade 10: Police Talk: Music Room

Grade 11: College Counseling: H 302A – 3rd Floor in the Centre: Mrs. Galaty

Grade 9 Life 101 Room Change

Dear Grade 9 Students,

Today you will have Life 101 during block 2 in Mr. Snyder’s room (D212) with Mr. Hutchinson.

Sorry for the late notice!

Ms. Bezzerides and Mrs. Galaty