Day: February 21, 2019

NIS Students Tech Team Signup

Click Here to sign up for the Student Tech Team.

 Join the Student Tech Team and have some fun learning and sharing your computer knowledge with your fellow students and teachers. We will meet once a week during lunchtime. Helping others use technology better is our goal.  It will be a fun group to join!!!

Any question, please

Reach Leon Letkeman: or Cindy:

Visit us in Macquarium C102

Click Here to sign up for the Student Tech Team.


Seeking Mentors for Exhibition

The Grade Five Team is seeking willing NIS staff members to be mentors for the Grade Five students throughout the Exhibition process.

Exhibition, “involves students working collaboratively to conduct an in-depth inquiry into real life issues or problems.  Students collectively synthesise all of the essential elements of the PYP in ways that can be shared with the whole school community.”

More details related to the the exact role and time commitment will be communicated in a Mentor meet-up happening the week of March 4. Please email, by this Friday, if you are interested in becoming an Exhibition mentor.

Grade 5A and 5C ISA Today

Hello 5A and 5C Writers,

Task B of your ISA test is happening today at 9:20am in your homerooms.

Give it your best effort!

Ps. Don’t worry 5B, yours is happening Friday at 11:05am!