If you would like to help Suraj with the action he has taken to help young people in Cambodia get an education then go to:
If you would like to help Suraj with the action he has taken to help young people in Cambodia get an education then go to:
All cast members for Grimm Tales are needed to attend a meeting during break today.
10:20, Black Box
We are meeting in Miss Kues’s room Monday the 27th, 1st half of lunch, to get our team prepared for the inter house music competition. If you are interested in performing, singing, dancing or even just banging 2 sticks together for Taiping, be there.
Would you like to model this stylish attire (AKA: Mr. Tyochin’s old, gnarly gym clothes!)?*
If not, please follow this simple Dress Code:
-No visible underwear. It’s gross.
-No cleavage or chest hair. This is even grosser.
-All midriffs should be covered. Belly Dancing is not yet a course choice.
-Closed toed shoes please. Nurse Liliane is busy enough.
-No hats inside. Were you raised in a barn?
*If you violate the dress code, we will help you follow it by asking you to change into these clothes. The wrinkled shirt with the bloodstain to the first customer!
Good morning, Please note that Chartwells will sell a hot lunch to teachers on Wednesday prior to the Invitational 3-way conference in the afternoon. Please see the menu attached.
Sandwiches and snacks will also be available for purchase in the café.
Have a great week,
The annual Music Evening is this upcoming Tuesday night (April 28th). We have a variety of acts involved, including 4 rock bands, Korean drummers, orchestras, small ensembles, and the DP Music class.
The tech rehearsal is on Monday, April 27th, from 3:15 – 5:15. This is a calendared event because we need to organise 100+ students. Unfortunately, this will impact upon other scheduled activities, and we apologise for that. We’ve asked the sporty student to wear their uniforms to the rehearsal so that they can leave right away for their practices. Also, it’s a top’n’tails rehearsal, which means students are free to leave as soon as their portion is finished, e.g. since orchestra is going first, that will release 40 students within the first 30 minutes.
If you have any questions or comments, please refer them to Bonnie… or Amy (grin).
Thanks for all your support!
The annual Music Evening is this upcoming Tuesday night (April 28th). We have a variety of acts involved, including 4 rock bands, Korean drummers, orchestras, small ensembles, and the DP Music class. We are currently seeking 1 or 2 students who are happy to MC the evening. These students would need to attend the tech rehearsal on Monday, from 3:15 – 5:15. If you are interested, please contact Miss Keus or Ms. Bonnie.
There will be a bake sale next week from 27th to 29th of April in the foyer to support the local animal shelter. Please check the brochure attached to this post. There will be posters and flyers around school as well.
Tonight (Thursday) is art auction and we would like to have 4 cashers to allow the process of paying for art to run more smoothly and quickly. Unfortunately, we only have one money box! If you have a box which we could borrow for this evening only, the Student Council would greatly appreciate it. See Ms. Hansen if you can help.
The Student Council
Dear all,
Pls refer to Laurie’s message below.
EARCOS Teacher Rep
Dear All, please refer to enclosed weekly updates on PM2.5 data.
The Art Auction is finally here! Prepare to witness over 2 hours of a celebration of the arts. Get your tickets now by the Centre foyer at break time, and after-school! All proceeds go to the Amy Yang Fund
2015 Athletics Day will take place on Wed 6th May. In order to create a bit more time on the day, a few changes have been made:
You can sign up by going to edublogs here: http://share.nanjing-school.com/sportsday/
Once you submit your choices, you cannot change them so please think carefully before choosing and submitting
Colors, Fun, and more Colors! On Friday April 24th the Student Council are excited to present Rainbow Day! We hope that all students can come for an exciting day of different beautiful colors for this Spirit Day. You must wear at least 4 different colors to school, the colors must be visible. Come on and show off your fun colors.