This Prototype, Student Choice – Student Voice unit runs on the following four dates: October 16, October 28, November 10, November 20
So far, we have five activities offered:
Danny C – Volleyball
Jacqui W – Tai Chi
Sam B – Presentation and self-presentation
Paul U and Martyn N – Circus Skills
Neila S – Mindfulness
With only 5 options, and 47 students, this could make for some larger-than-anticipated groups. Please email me with suggestions if you have an activity you would like to offer. Another two, at least, would offer a wider and more authentic choice.
As a reminder, if you are not an Advisor, the hope was that you would find two courses across the whole Life101 programme to offer. If you are only currently offering only one, could you please see you way to offering a choice activity for Grade 11 in this slot? (If you are an Advisor, you are hopefully offering at least one Life101 course during the academic year – if you see that you are not, please let me know!)
It’s a great opportunity for you to teach / interact with a new grade level if you haven’t had much to do with grade 11 before.
(The Grade 10 Choice Unit runs on the following dates December 14, January 14, January 26, February 22, and currently has five offerings: DannyC- Gardening, AmyK – Garageband, JacquiP – Vegan Cooking, SamB – Improv and VickiR – Chinese Watercolours. This is a larger year group, and so an even wider range of activities would also be welcome.)
Thank you to those teachers who have already jumped into the breach, as it were!