Month: September 2015

PYP items for Science budget

Hi PYP teachers, if you would like to order Science items for next year please use the attached spreadsheet in Numbers. It has all the “school approved” currency calculations.

I need any budget items by Monday October 19, this is about 1 month away Please start looking at catalogs/websites now. Any items will need short justifications written of why they are needed.

Send completed forms to Russel by Monday October 19.

First Ever NIS Sustainability Program!

Hey everyone!

We are Maxi and Derron from Student Council, and we’re sending this email to reveal some very exciting news. View the poster for more information if you want to take part in NIS’s first ever sustainability program. More information coming soon!

If you’re interested, click here and send us both an email:

Email links:


Language Acquisition

Give clear instructions. Number and label the steps in an activity. Reinforce oral instructions for homework and projects with a written outline to help students who may not be able to process oral instruction quickly enough to understand fully.

BOJ Notice

Dear all,

Any application for telegraphic transfer and foreign currency exchange will NOT be processed at BOJ during Middle Autumn Festival September 26 & 27, and National Day Holiday from September 30 to October 7, 2015.

Grace Song

Grade 9-12 PPP Film Auditions

Hello Students of NIS,
Are you enthusiastic about drama, do you have a hobby in film making or do you just want to be a part of a fun event? Well then the perfect opportunity is coming up.

My name is Kostya Tyoschin and for my PPP I will be creating a short film. I need actors therefore I need a cast and crew. There are five roles and two positions for crew members.

If you are interested in being an actor or crew member please come to the black box at lunch on Tuesday Oct 6th after the holiday to get an extract to audition. The auditions will then be after Trip Week on Oct 19th.

If you have any questions please e-mail me at:

C&S / CAS Signups on Veracross

You will notice sometimes the C&S/CAS activities on Veracross have full sign on them. This does not always mean they are full. It may also mean they have not yet opened for registration. Both the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Pfrang Sports Day have not yet opened for registrations. When they do open for signups there will be places available. I expect the Pfrang Day helpers will open at 1.00pm Wed and the Mid Autumn Festival will open after the National Day holiday. I am waiting for confirmation of how many places are available before opening.

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

A reminder that a rep from Hong Kong Poly U will be visiting school on Wednesday this week, from 12pm, in my office. She will have a presentation ready to go for the first half of lunch. If you have urgent individual questions (Grade 12s), excuse yourself from class to come at 12, otherwise come along first half of lunch.



G9 and 10 Students (Service Activity)

All Grade 9 and 10 students should be enrolled in a core Service Activity in some 1 and 2. If you have not enrolled in one please speak to me or your Advisory Teacher about this today.

Local School English Tutors G9-12

There are still some vacancies for the Local School English tutors group who will go to the Middle school next door to teach the grade 7 students. This is a core Service activity for G9 and 10. Please contract me if you are interested. We will go for the first time today (Wed). Please meet in the MYP LGR at 3.10pm.

Girl footballers needed!!

Both the Junior CISSA (Gr5-6) and Senior CISSA (Gr7-8) girls teams are short of players. Practices are 2 times per week directly after school for 1 hour each time and the season finishes with a trip to Shanghai to play in the CISSA tournament. Sign up on veracross. The first practice is on Wednesday for Gr5-6 and the first Monday after the break for Gr7-8

OWC-Medical Insurance Plan – Useful Documents

For those covered by OWC-Medical Insurance Plan, you may access the following documents at afp:// Insurance Plan.

* OWC – Medical Insurance Presentation 2015-16 – NIS
* OWC – Medical Insurance Table of Benefits and Member Handbook 2015-16 – NIS (please pay attention to the list of treatment types that require pre-authorization on page 3)
* OWC – Your Medical Insurance Deductible 2015-16 – NIS
* OWC – Thailand Surgery – NIS
* Ping An Health – Medical Claim Form
* Ping An Health – High-cost Provider Network List (where the 20% co-pay applies)
* Ping An Health – WeChat Registration and User Guide



Language Acquisition

Check often for comprehension. For example, at frequent intervals say, “Tell me what you
have to do next”.

Helpers for Pfrang Sports Day Saturday Oct 10th

The Pfrang Association will be wanting some MYP/DP student helpers for Pfrang Sports Day Saturday Oct 10th. You will be required to help with various sports and other activities. Signups will open on C&S / ACS Signup link on Veracross for this on Wednesday at 1.00pm.