Year: 2015

Inter house spelling Today

All Inter house spellers, the competition will take place today at lunchtime in Mr Battye’s room, D219.  Make sure you arrive at the beginning of lunch so we can start straight away.

MYP/DP Assembly This Friday at 8am

Hello MYP/DP’ers,

A reminder that THIS FRIDAY at 8am we have a lovely assembly planed THIS Friday at 8am. Please meet IN THE PAC THIS FRIDAY at 8am. When? THIS FRIDAY at 8am.

See you…. THIS FRIDAY at 8am.


Kids Read

Are you ready to test your quiz skills? Kids Read meets today in the library at 12:55, in the story area (where the projector is). Get ready to answer some questions and prepare yourself for the competition in 42 short days!

ISTA Middle School Theatre Festival Grades 6-8

Anyone interested in the ISTA Middle School Theatre Festival 9 March – 13 March 2016 at Western Academy, Beijing must attend a meeting Thursday lunch at 13:00 in the Black Box.

This is open to any student from G6-8. You must show a desire for theatre/drama as the festival involves three days of intensive collaborative theatrical engagement. There will be opportunities for specialized workshops as well as general devising. Spaces are limited.

NIS Quiz – Thursday 10th December

That is right – the time is here – come along to the quiz.

When:  7:15pm Thursday Night (10th December).

Where:  PAC Theatre.

What: Gather a team of up to 5 people to compete against other teams.

Why: To answer a whole range of fun filled factual questions from our wonderful semester.

Do not worry if you have not signed up a team – there will be plenty of space.  If you haven’t got a team come along and we will put you into one.

See you there

49 Faculty & Staff on Overdrive!



It’s great to see so many faculty and staff taking advantage of our Overdrive eBook collection- perfect for travelling over the holidays!

Step by Step instructions on how to get started are listed here:

If you have titles that you would like to recommend, send them along to the library!

Let us know if you need help getting set up-

Michelle & Emily

Last Weekly Bulletin of 2015

There will be no weekly bulletin next week – so this is your last chance in 2015 !

My hint of a new dedicated email for the bulletin submissions was a little premature – we will now be rolling that out in Week 19 from 11th Jan.

A sneak preview is that it may contain the words “weekly…. & …. bulletin” ,  but that will be confirmed in 2016 …..

Enough excitement …

Please send in your stuff as soon as possible .



Inter house spelling

Don’t forget to contact your house captains/leader if you would like to take part in the inter house spelling competition at lunch time on Thursday. Your house needs 2 girls and 2 boys from G6-8 and 2 boys and 2 girls from G9-12.

Yearbook-Submit NOW! Please.

You know the drill. Add your photos to the Yearbook Submissions folder on teacher large storage before you leave for winter break. Trip Week submissions were due on NOVEMBER 9 and only two grade levels have submitted anything. Deadlines for some sports and school activities have also passed. Remember, students are creating this book and if they can’t get photos from the staff members in a timely manner, it will put more pressure on the students. Not fair, is it? Thanks, and have a great holiday!Yearbook Submissions Information