Day: March 8, 2016

Game On!

Game Day is coming this Friday from 1-2, don’t forget!

ALL students Grade 6 to Grade 12 are invited AND encouraged to come play! Board games, card games, number games, trivia games, and any other type of game you can think of can and will be played.

Let me ( know if you’d like to help! (C&S/CAS?)

Game On!

Burst the Bubble – Xianlin Primary School

Xianlin Primary school has made an initial contact with us about doing some activities together. I don’t have details of any particular activities but if you  are interested in Bursting the Bubble and you have some ideas about what we could do with them please contact me. When I get some ideas together I will talk more with them.

On your Mark, get Set, Cook! MYP Edition 6-8

Hello 6-8th Graders,

Are you ready to cook! On Wednesday during Block 5 you will participate in a cooking activity with a celebrity chef from the UK! All you need to do is report to the PAC after lunch on Wednesday and be ready for some fun! You WILL NOT have your regularly scheduled Block 5 class on this day!

See you then!