Day: April 18, 2016

Grade 6 Reporting Prototype Meeting Info

Hello Grade 6 Parents,

Thanks so much for attending today’s meeting. Please find the slides and criteria attached. Looking forward to your feedback!

Warm Regards,


Reporting Prototype Parents









Tuesday meeting

Good morning,

For today’s meeting, please meet in the MYP LGR at 2:45.  From here we will go to break-out groups for Microsoft Office sessions.  Please see the attached details to help you make your decision about where to go.

MSOffice Sessions

Thank you,


Twitter wants you! C&S Opportunity

We are planning on setting up an Official NIS student twitter group. Members of this group will be given training in how to responsibly use twitter to inform the wider community of NIS activities. If you are interested and would like to undertake some training sessions and become a mouthpiece for NIS then please email me. What a great way to help your community!

Announced Lockdown Drill on April 20th, 2016@10.00am

Lockdown Drill will take place on Wednesday 20 April@10.00am as scheduled for the whole school.
Please find out the Procedure Form via your pigeonhole and return it with your feedback to reception desk by Thursday 21 April.
Thank you

Spring Fun Day Helpers (G8-11)

Spring Fun Day is on April 30th and students re required to help setup and pickup. Setup will be from 9.00-11.00am and pickup from 3.00-5.00pm. Please sign up on Veracross.