Day: May 17, 2016

LSS Survey

Please remember to fill out the LSS SurveyMonkey before Friday that Bob Buhler sent out yesterday. If you did not receive the survey please email Bob for a link.


Self Study Committees 2016/17

Accreditation Committees 16:17 DRAFT

Attached is the first draft of the self study committees for the school year 2016/17. My apologies to you if you have been placed on a committee that you did not chose. In the spirit of balance and diversity it was not always possible to make groupings based on preference. Many thanks to the large numbers of people I have spoken with who have been flexible with this. If you have a concern or a comment please do come and see me. At this stage the committees are still in draft format.

Please note that if you are part time, being on a committee is optional. New teachers, parents, students and Board members will be added shortly.

Gr11 B & M Trip

The attached list of students will be absent from school all day on Tuesday 31 May for a Diploma Business and Management visit. Thanks for your flexibility and understanding.

B&M Trip List 31 May 2016

MYP EY Production Rehearsal Visits

A reminder of the invitation for MYP classes to visit the EY production practice today from 8:45-9:15. If you choose to take your class, please have them seated by 8:40am. Classes that attend must stay through the conclusion of the performance to avoid disrupting the show. Thanks!