Day: August 17, 2016

PAC Bookings Information

Find attached the brand new updated PAC Handbook. Please read if you are intending using the PAC this year!

If you wish to use the PAC (Theatre, Black Box, etc) please email or speak with me as soon as possible. Do not wait until the last moment and please do not assume that because an event is in the school calendar it is in the facility booking system! Planning is key to smooth running of events.

Drop me a line if you have any queries about any of the PAC facilities.

PAC Handbook Updated

PD Committee

Dear Colleagues,

I am still looking for a couple of people to join the PD Committee. Please send me a message if you are interested.


Money Found

Dear Students,

Some money was found in school yesterday (Tuesday). If you think it might be yours, please come and see me.


MYP/DP New Student Embassy Open Tomorrow at Lunch!

Hello All New MYP/DP Students,

Congratulations on your first week in the Please come to the MYP LGR during the 1st half of lunch tomorrow (Thursday) to check in! This includes ALL Grade 6 students!

We’ll have our amazing Student Ambassadors, IT help, Counsellors, Admissions staff, and more there for any support you may need. We also want your feedback about your first week in the MYP/DP @ NIS!

Did I mention the free cookies? Yum!

See you tomorrow in the MYP LGR during the 1st half of lunch!

Help your house

Wutaishan and Xuanwu are looking for leaders in the PYP. Please contact Michael Chesterman for Wutaishan or Rob Battye for Xuanwu if you are willing to help support you house this year.

Wutaishan are also looking for an assistant to support Michael Chesterman in the MYP. Please contact Michael or me if you are in Wutaishan and willing to help out this year.

Thank you in advance for your support with the house system

Robin Marsh

House captains

Are you a natural leader? Do you want to be? Can you motivate your peers? Do you want to lead your house to victory this year in the house shield competition? If you have answered yes to any of these questions then contact you house leader today for a chance to hold up the house shield at the end of the year.

Wutaishan – Mr Chesterman

Xuanwu – Mr Battye or Mr Hornell

Taiping – Mr Newman or Mr Marsh