Month: October 2016

Global Recruitment Collaborative

Dear all,

Pls find the info on GRC from Arden below.



The Global Recruitment Collaborative (GRC) is a Collaborative of international schools working together to recruit the best educators for their school – Recruitment Simplified, and FREE.  Never before have International Schools and Teaching Candidates come together (at this scale), without fees or vendors, for a fair. Never. The GRC fair November 12-14 will be the first! This is the beginning of what is hoped could be a new way for international schools to recruit. This year the GRC has 90 collaborating schools with 40 schools recruiting at the Face-to-Face-Fair in Dubai and a candidate database of 400 candidates. 

 The GRC would like to have as many teachers (or more) as there are vacancies (which means 200+). This is where you come in.  Since the GRC is a not-for-profit, free-for-all-participants, service for-schools-by-school-for teachers-by-teachers, the International Educational Community is needed to help market and brand the fair.  A stronger pool of candidates means a deeper and stronger cohort of participating schools—and vice versa!  The day will come when you will be looking for a fair…hopefully, when that day comes, the GRC is the world’s most important fair—the gateway to your next dream job. 

If this is of interest to you, here are some ways you may choose support this initiative:

Join on twitter (@GrcFair) and retweet informational tweets,

Post info about on your Facebook  (see:

 Nudge any colleagues (who are looking for new jobs for next year) to visit our site ( and consider attending our fair.


Monday duties


Morning break: Lisa T., Jo Q., Ray, Connie / EY: Pam, Jackie O.

Lunch 1 G1-5 Cafeteria (12:50-13:10): Chadley, Kasson  / EY: all teachers

Lunch 1 (starting at 13:05): Cheryl, Jo A., Robin, Sunny

EY Play 1 (12:30-12:50): Amy K, Jenny N

EY Play 2 (12:50-1:10): Hannah, Dora

Lunch 2 (starting at 13:30): Cynthia, Stine, John R., Lily

Cross Walk duty: Juan

Learning Alchemists Environment – Oct 20

The Learning Alchemists Environment next meeting will be

Thursday, October 20

in the Strategy Room at Lunch

We will read the attached article.

Please remember, you can drop in and leave any time. 🙂

Contact Tom Johnson for more details

Article for Oct 13

Scaffolding and Achievement in Problem-Based and Inquiry Learning-A Response to Kirschner Sweller and Clark 2006.pdf

Past Articles

International Teacher turnover – doctoral research

Dear Colleagues,

Leon Tkachyk is a doctoral candidate in Administrative Leadership for Teaching and Learning at Walden University.  For his dissertation, he is doing research on perceptions of teacher turnover.  EARCOS has approved this research.  If you would like to be considered to be part of a focus group for this study, please read the attached letter and click on the link to complete a short survey.



Flu Vaccination

Dear All,

    Flu Vaccination Injection will be organized by school for you and your family members. Global Doctor Clinic will offer us on-site service on Oct. 24( Monday ) from 08:30am to 12:00pm in the Board Room (H303).

   If you would like to receive the flu vaccination injection, please collect a form from the Nurse or download the form attached, fill it out and return it to school clinic or place it in the nurse’s pigeonhole by Oct. 17( next Monday).


Please see the School Nurse for more information.


Minute of silence today at 12:56

Dear Students and Colleagues,

At 12:56, prior to lunch break, you will hear the following short announcement instead of the bell:

Due to the sad passing of one of our community members, Shawn Song, we would like to dedicate a minute of silence to remember those who are no longer with us.  You are welcome to consider loved ones, to reflect on what you are grateful for, or simply to be.

When you hear the announcement, please pause what you are doing and respect this minute of silence.

Thank you.

Visiting teachers – primary

We have a few visiting teachers in primary school today. They will be touring around the halls and may be in and out of your classrooms. Their names are Jonathan, Anna and Nicholas. Jonathan and Anna are especially interested in Early Years.

Duties for Week 10

Attached is the latest (final?) copy of the duty lists, both G1-5 and EY playground for Week 10. Please look over the list. Note your duty, record it somewhere, put an alarm on your phone, tell your friends to remind you. The students are counting on you to help them with issues of physical safety and social challenges during their eating and playing time.

Thank you for the extra energy you are putting into this week!


9 – 12 House Volleyball

9-12 House Volleyball Results

Wutaishan 18 defeated Taiping 17
Taiping 18 defeated Xuanwu 17
Xuanwu 15 defeated Wutaishan 8

Wutaishan 18 defeated Taiping 16
Xuanwu 15 defeated Taiping 6
Xuanwu 15 defeated Wutaishan 6

1st: Xuanwu (12 points)
2nd: Wutaishan (8 points)
3rd: Taiping (4 points)

Well done to all participants for a high standard of volleyball. A big thank you to Mr Dutton and Mr Clarke for faultless and impartial refereeing!

Learning Alchemists Environment – Oct 20

Due to 3-way conferences, the Learning Alchemists Environment next meeting will be

Thursday, October 20

in the Strategy Room at Lunch

we will read the attached article.

Please remember, you can drop in and leave any time. 🙂

Contact Tom Johnson for more details

Article for Oct 13

Scaffolding and Achievement in Problem-Based and Inquiry Learning-A Response to Kirschner Sweller and Clark 2006.pdf

Past Articles