Day: November 22, 2016

HKBU University Visit Today

Grade 10, 11, 12 students HKBU will be visiting today, Tuesday November 22 to talk about academics and campus life.  Come to the MYP/LGR at 12:30 to learn about university life in Hong Kong.

C&S/CAS opportunity for Grade 8 – 12 this coming Saturday morning

We are looking for a few more students to help on the morning of Saturday 26th November (this coming Saturday) at the NIS basketball tournament. You will be at the score table with keeping the score. The times are 8.15am – 12.30pm. This is a good opportunity to meet some of your C&S/CAS outcomes.

Sign up on veracross today.

We will have a practice session for those who have not done it before on Wednesday lunchtime this week

Ellie’s farewell assembly on Nov 25

Dear All

Ellie in G12 is having a farewell assembly on Nov 25. K2’s will be presenting her with a poster. If any member of staff in Primary  would like to attend this assembly please let me know.