Day: February 27, 2017

Library trolley- please come back…

Our library trolley has been missing for a week, if you borrowed him or see him playing somewhere (he has library label on the body)  please send him home, we miss him so much. And if anyone wants to use him in the future please do let us know who you are and when you gonna return. Thanks a lot……

Quiet Library- G12 Mock Exams

Just a reminder that the library will be reserved for quiet study during the Grade 12 Mock Exams (Feb. 28 until March 8). Only students wishing to read or work silently will be allowed in the library.

All other students please use the upstairs of the cafeteria during break and lunch.

Thanks for your support of our Seniors-

The Library Staff

Helpers for Korean Stall: PTA International Day March 18th (12.00-16.00)

The Korean parents stall would like 8 MYP/DP helpers to help with International Day from 12.00-16.00. You will be required to do the following.

Help with :
1. Booth decoration
2. Helping with the games during the event
3. Translation: Explaining some cultural things to visitors
4. Cleanning up by the end of the event

The would suit students who have Korean Language skills and an understanding of Korean Culture. Please sign up on Veracross.

Service Opportunity for G6-11 Students

Do any of the following apply to you? If so, then this may be a Service Opportunity that you could do.

Do you have some knowledge of Chinese and would like to improve it?

Is Chinese your first language and you would like the opportunity help others understand China more?

Do you want to understand China more and help others understand it more?

Attached are two examples I have done and put in the school bulletin. Other examples are on the Activities Noticeboard. If you would like to do something like / similar to this as a Service activity please let me know.Street Art Dogs Wk 19-25mdeut    Street Art Bulletin Nov 2016-1qci5un

Space Hopping

Dear Grade 11 and 12 Students,

This week I am prototyping Space Hopping with Grade 11 and 12 students. This is an idea to provide supported independent study in the Library during time you would usually be studying in the lounge and, for Grade 12 students between mock exams.  This means that you can work independently in the Library with a member of staff available to support you. The aim is to help you be more productive and focused during school study time. Interested? The prototype will be happening at these times this week:

Monday 10.40am  Tuesday 11.45am  Thursday 8.10am

You can only attend if you would usually be in the lounge or taking an online course at this time. I will meet anyone interested in the lounge at the start of the block.

Naming Contest

We only have a few entries so far and would like some more. We have been preparing a new section of the NIS website that will feature a photo gallery and YouTube-style video gallery of events and activities that are NIS-related. However, we are in desperate need of a creative and “cool” sounding name for this part of the site that is better than “Lion-tube” or “NIS-Media” to use as a title and link for this section. Please submit your ideas to the form below and make sure to enter your name and class so that we can recognize your contribution. We will post finalists on the Daily Bulletin in March.

Please select a valid form