Month: June 2017

Changes to G6-10 Service next School Year

There will be some changes to G6-10 Service next year. The main changes are below with a little more detail in the attached document Service Next Year-1delcfu.

Further information will be given at the start on the new school year.

Grade 10: will need to do 3 Activities – 1 Creativity, 1 Action and 1 Service and achieve 3-6 Learning outcomes.

Grades 8 and 9: Will need to do 7 Service Activities over two years and achieve all 7 Service Learning outcomes over two years.

Grades 6 and 7 will do 1 or 2 Service Activities each year in X Block and / or outside X Block.

More details next year.

MS/US Final Awards Lists Posted

Hello MS/US Superstars,

Our final awards lists for S2 have been posted this morning at 8:00am. PLEASE have a look ASAP to make sure you are where you think you should be. Awards are being printed and signed as we speak. The cutoff is tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10:41am for any changes or additions. Speak/email now!

Also, if you have earned an award, PLEASE COMMUNICATE this to your PARENTS and start picking our some nice duds to wear on stage this WEDNESDAY!

Please see Mr. Bratton or Dr. Saavedra with any questions or concerns!

PS. No grade grubbing! You have earned what you have earned. Feel free to check in with your teachers to discuss how you can improve… NEXT SEMESTER! 

Battle of the Bands!

It’s finally here! This year’s Battle of the Band! All three houses have worked hard this week and they are all polished and ready to go!

M251 (music ensemble room) @ 1 p.m.

See you there!

Grade 4 CNU

Just a final reminder that as this is the last CNU for Grade 4 this year, please feel free to bring your students to the Grade 4 classrooms or Makerspace any time today to see what we have been doing this year.

Jamie Watson

Grade 4 Teacher


Nanjing International School

ph 86 25 85899111 / Fax +86 25 85899222

NIS: Inspiring International Mindedness, Personal Excellence, Creative Thinking

MS/US Assembly at 8am Tomorrow!

Hello MS/US Rockstars,

A reminder that we have our final “normal” assembly of the school year tomorrow at 8am in the PAC. That’s 8:00am China Standard Time, on the dot. Not 8:04am or 8:03am or 8:02am or 8:01am 0r 8:00.01am. 8 o’clock in the morning. Please be on time and avoid the walk/creaky stair climb of shame.

See you at or before 8am tomorrow morning,

Mr. Bratton and Dr. Saavedra

Interhouse Battle of the Bands!

The music rooms are filled with the sounds of the 70s! It’s disco, baby! All three houses have brought their A games and are busy working hard. Tomorrow (Friday) is the Battle-of-the-Bands concert, so make sure you save a spot in your calendars!

Visit Grade 4 CNU

Friday is the last day of CNU for Grade 4 this year. If you would like to bring your class for a visit to see what it is all about and see what we are working on, please feel free to bring your class along for a visit any time on Friday. Most of the action takes place in the Grade 4 classrooms and the Makerspace.

Music Interhouse

After a slow start, the three houses are now busy practicing for the interhouse Battle-of-the-Bands competition during Friday lunch. We’ve got a rock band, an orchestra, and an interesting (cool) surprise. Let’s see who becomes the Kings and Queens of Disco! (and who possibly changes the course for the house shield, so late in the game!)

MYP Library Books

Thanks for bringing your books back!

6A- Oscar, Jonas, Gian, Melissa

6B- Joshua, Sammy, Jessica, Lessan, Yumin, Kiki

7A- Yejin, Lucy, Gianluca, Dustin, Seunghun, Tirso

7B- Yujin, Taehyung, Jinhyung, Camryn

7C- Pierson, Juan, Dahun, Seo Kyung, Kai, Jasmine

8A- Sunny, Minseo, Zach, Yejin, Alina, Evan, So Hyun

8B- Yoonji, Eva, Helen, Woojin, Eric, Emily

9A- Jui-Yu, Angila

9B- Shuyang, Winston

9C- Paul

Classroom Cleaning needs

Dear all,

Please fill yellow form about classroom cleaning request during summer holiday, include laundry need, plant watering, fish feeding.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Best Wishes,

Amy Yang

Clearance Forms and leaving procedures – info from Admissions

Dear All,

As we enter the home straight here are a couple of reminders about the Clearance Forms and Leaving Procedures for our departing students in case you are asked questions or are new to the process.

· Each leaving student in every grade must complete a Clearance Form. The parent needs to complete the whole form for PYP, and for MYP/DP the front page is for parents and the other two sheets for the students to complete. (Non native speaking parents may need some assistance In PYP)
· Forms can be obtained either from Main Reception, Admissions or downloaded off the website.
· Leaving staff children must also complete Clearance Forms and follow the same procedures.
· On the student’s last day – in exchange for their completed form we will hand over the studentship letter in PYP and transcripts in MYP/DP. This is done by the Ladies on Main Reception with support from Admissions.
· Julia Zhang, Financial Controller on the 2nd floor of the Centre opposite the lift is always the last person to sign off on the form. She checks that there is no money owing to school by the student and the family.
· It is important that all MacBooks are handed into IT for them to clear off all school settings and software. Before this is done EVERYTHING must be backed up as it will be wiped clean and they will not be able to retrieve anything. I would encourage all leaving students in Grade 5 and MYP to go and ask IT if they have any questions about this – especially in terms of the best time to get this done.
· The S2 reports will be out on Thursday 15th and not before.
· All leaving families must download and print them off, as once they have left NIS they will no longer have access to Veracross.
· Year Books will be handed out on the last day to all students. If you have missing students or others who have left early please arrange for them to be signed by their classmates as this is much appreciated. Over the holidays we will arrange for them to be forwarded to the address on the Clearance Form. Kindly take them to Samantha or Admissions Office with their name and grade on the outside, as they can get mislaid over the summer break.
· If any student has a special request or needs help, send them either to Admissions or to see Samantha Zhou who will arrange an appointment with Ruth.
· Our Korean leavers often have complicated procedures for the papers needed for their return home. If they need help – please pass them onto Samantha and Ruth.
· The Admissions Office remains open throughout the summer.
· To avoid problems, please remind any students/parents that if they are leaving and want a full refund of the re-enrolment fees they must let us know in Admissions or Finance before Friday 9th June.
· Please continue to pass on any intel about leaving students. This is a very unsettling time for some families who still do not know their future plans.

NB Last Weekly Bulletin will be on Friday 9th so get your entries in by Wednesday 7th June at noon. There is no bulletin on last Friday

Any questions please come and see us in Admissions Office, call Sue on 13809022693 or email us at

Thanks for your help and cooperation – it has been appreciated throughout the year.

Grace, Jane, Monica and Sue
The A Team