Year: 2017

Help for G12 Student Psychology Internal Assessment

Dear All please consider helping Anabelle in G12  by watching the short video and completing a short survey (5 questions)

I’m conducting an experiment online for my Psychology Internal Assessment. If you are willing to participate and have time please take a few minute to:
→watch the video linked in the survey description ONCE;
→answer the remaining question base on your memory of it, there is no correct answer.

Thank you so much, here is the link:


Best regards,
Annabelle Wang

Production Camp Students

Dear Advisors…all students involved in today’s Production Camp have been told to report to Advisors straight away at 7:45 and then go straight to the theater. Please excuse any student from advisory who is involved in today’s rehearsal.

Writing center

Assignment deadlines coming up? Do you have that Criterion D science assignment or that math investigation due next week? 

We can help students at any point in the writing process, so stop by the Writing Center!

What is the writing center?
These are sessions where trained student-coaches will be available to help learners with things like:

  • English analytical essays;
  • Historical perspectives argumentative essays;
  • Chemistry labs;
  • emails to the Governor General of Australia or the King of Thailand;

Location: Strategy Room (next to Mrs. Ruth Clarke & Mrs. Marina Gijzen’s office)

When: Every Monday + Friday
Time: 12:55 – 1:50
Contact: Winston Zha


Dear All

There are still spaces for our NIC Winter Ball at Novotel, Suning on 2nd December from 18.30 till late.

It will be a wonderful evening of good food, wine, dancing and time to enjoy friends and get into the festive spirit.

There is also a special overnight rate at the hotel. See poster for details.

Tickets are RMB500 for NIC members and RMB800 for non NIC Members

Get a table of ten together of your friends – or we can slot smaller groups onto other tables.

The theme is Snow Ball but you do not need formal DJ – just enjoy dressing up a bit and having a party!

See Sue N for more details and tickets


Pre-exam De-stressing Activities

Good morning!

Students in Grades 7-11, please see pre-exam activities that will be open for you to sign up for, through Veracross, starting next week.  Based on the survey results last week, we have tailored both the number and types of activities to meet your needs.

Remember to thank your De-stressing Activity Leaders!

Blood Type

Good morning,

In Veracross we have now added a field to collect NIS faculty and staff blood type.   This information will be accessible by a limited number of NIS colleagues (School Nurse, IT and SLT).  Unfortunately, this information cannot be entered through the Veracross Portal, so if you would like to have your blood type entered into Veracross, please send Samantha an email indicating your blood type by Thursday, November 30.

Sharing this information is completely voluntary.



Student Assistant Coaches – volleyball, badminton, basketball

We still have some places left for Gr9 – 12 students to be an assistant coach for these sports.

Why you should do it:

  • Great for achieving your C&S/CAS outcomes
  • Great for your resume & university applications.
  • A free trip to Shanghai for CISSA
  • An opportunity to get a first aid qualification!
  • Support to get a coaching qualification if available
  • Great for building your skills in communication and teaching.

Speak to Mr Clarke if interested.

Staff Christmas Market tickets

Dear Staff,

Jackie will be selling tickets in the staff room on Thursday and Friday break time for anyone who is finding it difficult to get tickets before or after school.  Tickets are necessary for all non RFG residents and are in exchange for a complimentary drink in the Market.

Merry Christmas.

Display cabinets in stock

Dear all,

Please find attached pictures about display cabinets with small spotlights. 12 in total, two are 3 layers, others are 4 layers.

Please fill a yellow form by Dec. 8th if you would like to have them for your classroom or somewhere in school. First come first served.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Best Wishes,

Amy Yang