Day: April 16, 2018

G9-12 Inter-house football

Please contact your house captains if you would like to play in the G9-12 inter-house football tournament THIS week (Wednesday 18th April).

Teams need 7 players including a goalkeeper, plus subs.

Each house needs both a girls and boys team.

Please wear house shirts and suitable shoes.

MAP Schedule – reminder

Dear Colleagues,

Attached you will find the schedule for MAP assessments this week and next week.

REMINDER: This week Wednesday and Thursday Block 1 are extended for ALL CLASSES. 

Proctors, please go through the checklist of 6 questions sent out on Wednesday, April 11, as well as details on accommodations.

Please see me with any questions.  Thank you!


MAP Assessments – student schedule reminder

Dear Students in Grades 6-10,

A reminder to check the schedule for MAP assessments that will take place this week and next week.

Note: This week Wednesday and Thursday Block 1 are extended for ALL CLASSES. 

Thank you,

Mrs Tyoschin

Helpers for Tuesday PYP ASA – Games in Gym

On Tuesday there will be a PYP ASA in the gym playing various games and we would like a few MYP/DP helpers to assist the teacher running this activity. If you would like to help please email me. Helping with this will be a Service Activity.

Discover China Week Trip Choices (G5-10) – Will open at 0800am Monday

The October 2018 Discover China Week Trip choices will open at 0800 am Monday.
Would G5-10 Students please note the following:
a. Information about each trip has been emailed to you and your parents.
b. This year’s Grade 6, 8 and 10 students cannot choose the same trip as you went on this year.
c. There is a maximum number of places in each trip – when the maximum number is reached then the trip is full. The number is set at approx. 35% of the combined enrolment of the the two grades for each trip.
d. If after choosing a trip you want to change you can only change if there are free places available in another trip.
e. You should choose only one trip.
f. You should choose a trip unless you are 100% sure that you will not be at NIS next school year.
Please contact me if you have any questions.

Homework Club!

Homework Club is on today and Wednesday from 3:15-4:15 in the LSS Area (C142). Come on down to study, finish assignments, and get help (if you need it). All grade 6-12 students are welcome!

Trinity College Dublin Visits Today

Students in Grades 9-11 come and hear about Trinity College and the extensive programs that are offered.

Grab a brochure, ask some questions, get some ideas for possible university options.

Where:  MYP LGR

Time:  12:50

When:  Monday, April 16, 2018