Day: May 25, 2018

Cleaning requests during summer holiday

Dear all,

Please fill yellow form about classroom cleaning requests for summer holiday, include laundry needs, plant watering, fish feeding.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Best Wishes,

Amy Yang

Grade 10 Funfair – One week to go!

Only one week to go before the G10 funfair opens for business.

Please support the learning of our Grade 10 students by taking part in this fun-filled event. Grade 10 have been working hard to create a morning of thrills and excitement for NIS students (G1-11).

Past G10 businesses have helped to raise nearly $3000 for and over the past five years G10 Humanities students have lent almost $10,000 to improve the lives of over 350 borrowers in 65 countries worldwide.


G6 Life 101 Today

Dear Grade 6 Students,

Today while the 7s have exams you will be in Life 101.

Please find your name and location and head there during block 3 today.

G6 Group 1 with Mrs. Merrylees in D214 (Mr. Baker’s Room)


Leo                              Emma            Morgan                       Eric

Gui                              Simon              Alvina                          Romana

Amber                         Nele                Victoria                       Deanna

Libby                            Byeongsoo      Naomi                         Marissa

Hanae                          Brian               Hruyuki                        Edwin

Dong Geun                  Dayeon            Minjoo                         Addison


G6 Group 2 with Ms. Bezzerides Upstairs in the Cafeteria


Ethan                           Sophie             Kevin                           Lydia

Sofia                            Jack                 Rachel                         Yerin

Siya                             Jaedeok           Alex                             Keenan

Tinna                           Ellen                Sarah                           Damy

Sam                             Benno              Taeyoung                    Vincent

Saelyn                         Jia                    Hyeok Ju                      Seongmin