Month: May 2018

Anna Mathias Art Sale

Dear All,
Anna Mathias is moving from Nanjing and selling much of her own art work.
She is a talented artist and will have an Open House in Evian on 4/5 & 6th June from 11am- 8pm

Anna has helped out with many of our theatrical productions over the years and her children both graduated from NIS.

Do go along and have a look.


Exams clarification

All students should attend their normal block 2 lesson for quiet study. This is not time to be in the library, lounge or anywhere else but your classroom.

You can only attend activities in block 1 if you have signed for this,  if you do not have exam you should be in your classroom.

G6 Life 101

Dear Grade 6 Students,

Today while the 7s have exams you will be in Life 101.

Please find your name and location and head there during block 3 today.

G6 Group 1 with Mrs. Merrylees in D229


Leo                              Emma            Morgan                       Eric

Gui                              Simon              Alvina                          Romana

Amber                         Nele                Victoria                       Deanna

Libby                            Byeongsoo      Naomi                         Marissa

Hanae                          Brian               Hruyuki                        Edwin

Dong Geun                  Dayeon            Minjoo                         Addison


G6 Group 2 with Ms. Bezzerides Upstairs in the Cafeteria


Ethan                           Sophie             Kevin                           Lydia

Sofia                            Jack                 Rachel                         Yerin

Siya                             Jaedeok           Alex                             Keenan

Tinna                           Ellen                Sarah                           Damy

Sam                             Benno              Taeyoung                    Vincent

Saelyn                         Jia                    Hyeok Ju                      Seongmin



Q&A for Sending Email Using Veracross Group Email Distribution List

1. Should we use BCC? 

  • Mail sent to email distribution lists will reach everybody inside the group. 
  • People in group will not be able see other email addresses. 
  • Do not use BCC with a group distribution list. (e.g. Distribution emails sent via BCC will fail.

2. Any email size limitation? 

  • Max size of an email is 8 MB including attachments.

3. Ways to obtain group email distribution lists from Teacher Portal? 

  • Use “Contact” button in class list to email parents/email students


  • Use “Email Parents” in student profile window to reach both his/her mother and father


  • Use “Groups by Category-Email List” to get all kinds of groups of people


Notice from Apple

Good Morning!

Our onsite Apple vendor – SolutionKeys – has just shared this notice from Apple. If you have purchased a MacBook Pro with USB-C ports and no touch bar, click on the link and enter your serial number to see if you qualify for the free battery replacement. This is only for some Macbook Pros that meet the following criteria:

  • 13-inch MacBook Pro (non-touch bar)
  • Manufactured between October 2016 – October 2017

If you think this is you, click on this link to use Apple’s services to trace your serial number and find out if you qualify. Thank you Ms. Cassie and Mr. Wind!


We look forward to the PYP Exhibition on Friday 8:20-12:30. Everyone is invited to attend!

If you are bringing your class, great!! Please sign up here. Thank you for taking time to listen to and celebrate the learning of our oldest PYP students!

Shower Time Survey

One design G9 student has experimented with the concept of creating a social network in order to help people improve shower time to minimize water waste.
He would like to put it to the test by challenging you.
It is explained on this website:
After trying it out please provide feedback answering this quick survey:
Thank you for your time, happy showering!


The usual peak season for Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

The incidence of the Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) is on the rise recently. HEMD is a common infection caused by a group of viruses. It typically begins with a fever or feeling generally unwell. This is followed a day or two later by flat discolored spots or bumps that may blister, on the hands, feet, and mouth, and occasionally buttocks and groin.

There is currently neither vaccine to protect against the virus nor specific treatments. However, you could lower your risk of being infected by maintaining good personal hygiene.

If secretions from blisters can be contained, no exclusion required. Please report any HFMD cases so we can evaluate whether the viruses are spreading. For treatment questions you may wish to consult with your health care provider or school nurse.


Ellen Zhang

NIS School Nurse

PTA needs teacher volunteers June 1st

The PTA is looking for 3-4 teachers to help supervise the Early Years Event, an After School Movie in the PAC from 3:15-4:00 pm and 4 teachers to help supervise the Grade 9/10 Club Night (Dance in the Black Box) from 7:00-9:00 pm on Friday, June 1st.  Please let me know if you are willing and able to help out.  Thanks!

Pre-exam activities: IMPORTANT

Good morning, students in Grades 7-11,

You will see the activity/ies that you have signed up for in your Veracross Portal.  Make sure that you make your way directly to the location of the activity after Advisory.   The supervisor will take attendance. You may not make any changes without prior permission.

If you have not signed up for an activity, you must be in your Block 1 lesson for quiet study.

Block 2: you need to be in your scheduled Block 2 lesson for either quiet study or a normal lesson, as indicated on the exam schedule.  There are no activities during Block 2.

Be balanced!

Mrs Tyoschin

G8 Field Trip

Dear Teachers of Grade 8.

Triona and I are planning to take all of G8 to Niu Shou Shan for a Humanities Field Trip on Wednesday June 6th. We will be gone during Blocks 3, 4 and 5. Please let either Triona or I know if there are any difficulties with this plan.

Kind Regards, Ruth