Today is our final day of MAP testing this semester!
Here is the plan:
1. Grades 8 and 10 will conquer the Maths MAP at 8:10am this morning…
8A-Ms. Merrylees, 8B-Ms. Law, 8C-Mr. Chesterman
10A-Stevens in MS/US LGR, 10B-Dutton in D220
2. A MAP Wrap-Up session will be held from Block Three TODAY in various locations around school. Students involved received an email from Mr. Bratton this morning (Check now!). Your Advisors also have these lists in their inbox.
3. Our Grade 8’s and 10’s that do not complete their Math MAP this morning should report to the following locations during Block Three as well. Please don’t make us track you down!
Grade 8: The Drama Classroom in the PAC
Grade 10: The Pamoja Classroom across from Ms. Ham’s office
Thanks everyone!