The deadline for submission is 12 noon on Wednesdays.
If you have a problem with this please let Sue know as soon as possible.
Important information is translated into Korean and Chinese. If you are not sure if this applies to your article ask Sue or Kasson.
There are two options : Weekly Bulletin and Banner/Poster. Instructions on each are contained in the drop down box.
The poster part relates to the information that is loaded on the hi-tec screen in the Centre Foyer near the Reception Counter. All other items are displayed throughout the week on the screen next to the PTA Shop.
There is a hard copy in the school foyer by the entrance to the Cafeteria.
In order for us to edit or update please submit your entries in Word.
We do not allow any family names of students. First names only. We also observe strict guidelines on use of student photos. If you need clarification see Ruth.
If you have any problems submitting files, address any technical issues to :
Thanks for your support
Sue N
Admissions Office