Day: March 19, 2019

S2F2 Film Festival

As you know NIS students attended the S2F2 film festival over the weekend. I would like to congratulate the students whose films won awards and share the links to their films below for all to see.

Middle School First Place Genre: Drama

Students: Oscar  | Lesaan  | Robin  | Brian

8 Hour Film Challenge Second Place

NIS Students Anthony  | Roy  | Mayvelyn

Jury Selection and Official Selection: Animation

Renyue (Maggie)


March Media Mentor Month

Following on from the Weekly Bulletin post about March Media Mentor Month, here is today’s challenge:

While the original post was primarily for parents, teachers are also encouraged to try some of these with their students as well. Try and complete as many of the activities in the calendar as you can throughout the month of March and if you would like to share with our community, make sure to mention @nischinaorg (on Instagram) or @NISChina (on Twitter or Facebook) so we can follow your progress! Together we can mentor each other to be more mindful and purposeful users of technology!

The rest of the calendar can be found below: