Day: April 17, 2019

DC12 app and meeting

Dear Grade 12 students,

(1) The Discover China trip provider (Keystone) requires participants to create a profile on their app, which substitutes the printed waiver forms. You’ll also be able to access packing list and detailed itinerary. To register, follow these steps before Friday April 19th.

Go to and enter the trip ID (171) and your student code (Xu3bdU). Follow the steps and enter your information accurately.

(2) We will have a meeting on Monday at 3:15 in the LGR for all students in Grade 12 to let you know the latest (and likely final) itinerary and answer any questions you might have about the trip.


Mr Mello and the DC12 team

NIS Spring MAP Schedule: April 22-May 3

Hello Grade 3-10 Students,

The schedule for our upcoming Spring MAP testing is linked here. Please have a look and make a note of your session timings.

-As usual, MAP is an important Measure of your Academic Progress; the scores will be shared with you and your parents…

-As usual, your teachers will use this data to decide how to best support your learning…

-And, as usual, all you need to do in preparation is bring a charged laptop, get a good night’s rest, eat a nutritious breakfast, and try your best!
