Day: November 25, 2019

Phone-Free December in the Library!

The library will become a phone-free space during break and lunch through the month of December. Instead, flip through a book, chat face-to-face with a friend, or focus on your fractions. Freedom from phones!

Primary Student Council meeting on Tuesday

Teachers in grades 2-5, please let your Student Council representative know we will have a Student Council meeting right after lunch (when they get dismissed) on Tuesday upstairs in the cafeteria mezzanine. I will also post a sign in the cafeteria to remind them. Thanks!

Have you done your volunteering experiences for Semester 1?

If you haven’t, you’re in luck!

This Saturday, you can either score keep during the day or volunteer at the NIC Christmas Concert in the evening. We only have few spaces left:

Nov 30 – Basketball Scorekeeper

Nov 30 – NIC Christmas Concert

But if you are busy on the 30th,

Dec 7 and 8th are the last chances. Sign up to help at the swim meet.

If you have done the minimum, that’s good but we still need help. Your help is what makes our events a success! Consider doing more!


Dinner Dance Tickets!

Grade 11s and 12s!!!!!!

Buy your ticket to the Formal Dinner and Dance at break time from Tuesday – Thursday this week in the Large Group Room. We need around 50 people to make this event happen!


Cultural Convention 2020!

Join students from all over China in the 2020 ACAMIS Cultural Convention! For 2 fun-filled days in Suzhou, participate in the following workshops:

  •             Drama – devising with masks
  •             Dance – modern ballet
  •             Singing
  •             Soul band
  •             Percussion Group
  •             Visual Arts and Mindfulness
  •             Escape rooms, Puzzles and Games
  •             Photography
  •             Robotics

This event is hosted by Suzhou’s International School (SSIS) and will take place on February 28 and 29th. Please sign up in  the Activities Office before December 4th.