Day: August 31, 2020

Diverse Reads Reading Challenge

Teachers, looking for ideas to read something new yourself or to get your students to read something new? Try this 8 book reading challenge to encourage readers to find books written by and about people from various backgrounds.

How awesome would it be for us as teachers to model our diverse reading by hanging this outside of our doors and updating the flyer as we read different books?

diverse reads flyer

Not sure where to start? Go the library homepage, click on “Catalog,” then click on “Resource Lists” on the left. Scroll down until you find the 7 “Diverse Reads” resource lists I’ve created that fit the categories. I’ve included books, ebooks, audiobooks, and non-English books. Not every book is in the list, of course, but it’s a place to start.

Video Review Team

This year’s Video Review Team is led by Edwin Zha (Grade 11) and Paul Meyer (Grade 12).

If you have any events or occasions you would like filmed by the VR Team, please contact either of the boys. Please give them at least a full school week’s notice before the event. Include as much specific detail as possible about the event, timings and what you would like to have filmed.

The VR Team meets at lunch each Tuesday in the Design Centre. Katie is the VR Team supervisor on campus for the time being. Danny Griffith is Team-ing in for each Tuesday lunch meeting.

Happy Monday!