Day: April 14, 2021

About our school billing info

Dear all,

Due to our school name’s update, our school billing info was updated accordingly.

Our tax bureau told us that the FA PIAO with our old Chinese school name is not acceptable for accounting record anymore. The updated info to request a FA PIAO in China, for school purchase or business, is following:

公司名称:南京国际外籍人员子女学校   (Company Name: Nanjing International School)

统一社会信用代码 52320100YA1210249X  ( Tax Number: 52320100YA1210249X)

地址:南京市栖霞区仙林大学城学衡路8   (Address: Xue Heng Lu 8, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China)   电话 (Tel) 025-85899111

开户行:江苏银行南京北京西路支行            (Bank Name: Bank of Jiangsu Beijing XiLu Branch)

公司账号 31060188000016344  (Company Bank Account:31060188000016344)


Volunteering Opportunity for Grades 6-10

Here is the schedule for the volunteers:

  1. You can only sign up for 1 shift.
  2. If you miss your classes, it’s your responsibility to contact the teacher about the missed tasks.
  3. Grade 8sCANNOT sign up for Shift 3 – You have MAP testing.
  4. Veracross is open now for registration.