Discover China Student Meetings G6-11 – Friday

It’s super important you are there at 8….

We could be sorting out your roommate!

Discover China only happens once a school year,

Come hear again the rules to which you must adhere.

We’ll tell you what to bring

And what to songs to sing.

Please be on time for the meeting,

Cos we would rather not be repeating! 

Extended Advisory

Grades 6-7 – Tianmu – D218 (Mr Clarke’s room)

Grades 6-7 – Huangshan – D204 (Mr Winstanley’s room)

Grades 6-7 – Chizhou – D247 (Mr Merrylees’ room)

Grades 8-9 – Moganshan – LGR

Grades 8-9 – Wuxi – D219 (Mr Battye’s room)

Grades 10-11 – Lin’an – M252 (MS Keus’ room) *

Grades 10-11 – Songyang – D215 (Mrs Beck’s room)

Grades 10-11 – Chongming –  in the Design Centre (Mrs terBorg’s room)