Day: August 16, 2021

Weekly Bulletin Submission Process – Please Read

Dear all,
This Friday at 3:30pm we will be sending out our revamped Weekly Bulletin! For our new colleagues on this email, the NIS Weekly Bulletin is our weekly e-newsletter to the community, containing updates, news, reminders, and other information.
Here is the new submission process:
  1. Please send/share your final, approved content in the form of a Word Document or email with me ( We are no longer using images for the entire content (except for event posters). If you have any images you want to include with the text of your submission, please attach them and ensure that they are good quality (not screenshots).
  2. Please clearly state in the subject of your email to me which section of the Weekly Bulletin your submission will be under (ex. Keep Your Passport Information Updated in Veracross – Whole School):
    1. Whole School (submissions that apply to the entire school parent community – not just Primary or Secondary, such as general announcements or important reminders)
    2. Primary School
    3. Secondary School
    4. School Activities
    5. From the Board
    6. PTA Weekly News
    7. IT News & Tech Tips
    8. Events
  3. If it is a reminder, please tell me how long you want this message to be in the Weekly Bulletin (1 week only? 2 weeks? Longer?)
  4. Deadline: Please send your submissions to me no later than Thursday, 9am starting this week. The earlier the better.
Note: I am not carrying over any content from last year’s Weekly Bulletin unless you tell me directly you want one of your submissions from the old Bulletin to be re-published. In this case, please look at the submission again, update as needed, and send me the text and any separate images to include.
If there is anyone who is missing from this email list that works in your department who should be notified of this process, please forward this message to them.
I am happy to answer any questions about this process or our updated Weekly Bulletin.
Thank you very much and have a wonderful week!

🔔🔔🔔Latest risk level alert(August 15) and official link for query of risk level🔔🔔🔔

By August 15, there were 29 high-risk areas (involving Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province, Yangzhou City of Jiangsu Province, Zhengzhou City, Kaifeng city, Zhumadian City&Shangqiu City of Henan Province and Zhangjiajie City of Hunan Province) and 111 medium-risk areas (including Yunnan province, Jiangsu province, Hunan Province, Henan Province, Hubei Province, Hainan Province, Shandong Province, Shanghai, Beijing, Neimengu).

High Risk Area (29)

Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province (1)

Jiegao Guomen Community, Ruili City.

Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province(10)

To Wenchang West Roas in the south, to Wenhui West Road in the north, to Weiyang Road in the west, to Xincheng River Road in the east, Wutang Community, Shuangqiaojie Subdistrict, Hanjiang district;

Wantou town, Guangling District;

Tangwang village;

Qujiang subdistrict;

Dongguan subdistrict;

Hanshang subdistrict;

Xinsheng subdistrict;

Wenhui subdistrcit,  Economic and Technological Development Zone;

Slender West Lake, Meling subdistrict;

Yangzijin subdistrict

Zhengzhou City, Henan Province (1)

Jingguang Road Street, Erqi District.

Kaifeng City, Henan Province (7)

Qiancao village/Houcao village/Yujia village/Wenjia village/ Liujia village/Sunzhuang village/Tianjia village, Zhuangtou Town

Zhumandian City, Henan Province (5)

Yuanzhai town, fuzhuang village;

Luhe county, yandian village;

Luhe county, dayang village

Luhe county, pengweizixing village;

Lansing county, lanqing village

Shangqiu City, Henan Province (2)

Yucheng village people’s hospital east area (Jiankang Road);

Weihezhuang village, Liudazhuang, Gushu Town;

Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province (3)

Huangjinta Community, Guanliping Subdistrict, Yongding district

To the Ziwu road in the south, to daqiao road in the west, to dayong road to the east,Yongding district;

To the ziwu road in the south, to yingbin road in the west, to lishui river in the north,Yongding district;

Medium Risk Area (111)

Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province (5) 

Bangbang villager group;

Xianongan villager group;

Nonghanyihe southeastern living area;

Nanpian district, Menglongsha community;

Nonghanerhe jinkan area, Mengmao Town, Ruili City.

Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province (4

Lukou Subdistrict, Jiangning district;

Xinfengyuan, Zhougang community, Hushu Subdistrict;

Enclosed area of Zhougang Community, Hushu Subdistrict (to Jixian Road in the east, Changgan Street in the south, Kangzhuang Road in the west and Qishang Street in the north);

Qianjia Natural Village, Qianjia Village, Hushu Subdistrict;

Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province (26)

Guangling District:

Guang ling Economic and Technological Development Zone;

Yangzhuang Jie Fang;

Wenhe subdistrcit;

Wenfeng subdistrict;

Wenchang compound;

Wenhuayuan compound;

Zhouzhuangzhuangtai, wenyang community;

Niansixin compound;

Liuhubeiyuan compound;

Niansiercun compound;

Hongyanghuayuan compound;

Liuhunanyuan compound;

No.436, banjinchang dormitory;

Enlosed area (to yangzi north road in the west, pingshan west road in the south, hanjiang north road in the east)

Yilai hotel;

No.577, wenchang middle road;

Chahe subdistrcit;

Zhuxi subdistrict;

Jiangwang subdistrict;

Xihu town;

Weiyang economical development area;

Yangzijin subdistrict;

Shiqiao town;

Bali town;

Pingshan village;

Xiannv town;

Dinggou town

Huai’an City, Jiangsu Province (6)

Hongze District:

Building 128, Fuxing Road, Linhe Community;

No.18, Daqing South Road, Yangma Community;

Jinshenghuayuan compound, Huimin Community;

Huanchengcaishangzu, Yong’an East Road, Dengma Community;

Hongying compound;

Dengma settle compound;

Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province (11)

Jundiping Street, Wulingyuan District;

Yongding Street,Chongwen Street, Nanzhuang Ping Street, Guanliping Street, Houping Street, Shatou Street, Dayingqiao Street, Xiping Street, Yanghuping Street, Fenggang Street of Yongding District.

Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province (7)

Hetang District

Building 23, Midea City, East of Yangguangli Community, Guihua Street,

Shifeng District

Building 8, Times Yayuan, Shifeng Road

Hallim Mansion Phase 1 and Phase 3

Zhengzhou City, Henan Province (28)

Erqi District:

Wangjiangju Community, Songshan Road,

Changjiang Road Street,

Guancheng Hui District:

Luxingzhuang Garden, Haihai East Road Street,

Haitangwan, Longhai Road,

Zhengshanglanzuan, Haihai East Road Street

Xingyang City:

Qiaolou Town Shi Village community,

Jiayu Town Zhoudong Village,

Wanyejincheng compound, jingchenglu subdistrict

Zhengzhou xinzheng education area:

Windsor castle,

Yongze gongguan,


Jixiang apartment, xiaoqiao community

Huiji district:

Xihuangliu village, Yingbinlu community;

Jinshui district:

South area of Shenzhuangxincheng, Weilai road subdistrcit,

Yanzhuang plaza No.6 subway construction site,

Yuxinyuan, dongfeng subdistrict,

Puluowangshi, fengqing road,

Zhongding huayuan

Residential quarters of No.2 street research institute,

Sanchakou village, Baizhai town, Xinmi city,

Jiwang community, mengzhuang town, xinzheng city 

Shangqiu City, Henan Province (7)

Liangyuan District:

Dashang Xin Mart (150 meters southeast of the intersection of Kaixuan East Street and Shenhuo Avenue).

Suiyang District:

Century Garden Community (west side of Golden Century Square);

Jinguiyuan Community (northwest corner of Qingmin Road and Jiankang Road);

Demonstration Area for Urban-rural Integration:Zhouzhuang Community;

Shangqiu No.1 Hospital;

Dijingnanyuan north

Zhumadian City, Henan province (5)

The enclosed area south of Weijia Hutong 3rd Alley, Xiaoweizhuang Zhongxin Road, north of Weijia Hutong 5th Alley, and west of Jinshan Road South;

No.1 Lane, Xinhong Road, Dongguan Community, Baicheng Sub-district Office, Xiping County;

Luhe village, Zhengxiang County;

Lanqing village;

Yuanzhai Town

Kaifeng City, Henan Province (1)

Zhuangtou Town, Yushi county

Xuchang City, Henan Province (1)

Building 4, Hengda mingmenshangju, Dongcheng district

Huanggang city, Hubei Province (1)

Linshanhe town, Tuanfeng County;

Wuhan city, Hubei Province (3)

Dunkou Street, Jingkai District, Wuhan;

Guolingli compound;

Limiaohuanjian compound

Jingmen city, Hubei Province (2)

Xinglong subdistrict, duodao district;

Tuanlinpu Town

Haikou City, Hainan Province (1)

Yunlong industry park, Gaoxin district

Yantai city, Shandong Province (3) 

West of Huanghe Road, north of Changjiang Road, east of Yihe Road, south of Shuangmei Building Ancillary Road, Guoaotiandi Community, Hisense Tianshan County Community;

Guoao tiandi compound;

Haixintianshanjun compound

Shanghai (1)

Xinyuan Xiyuan Sub-district, Lane 1500, Huaxia 2nd Road, Chuansha New Town, Pudong

Beijing (2)

Lohas Home Community, Yancun Town, Fangshan District, Beijing

Longyueyuan Second District, Longzeyuan Street, Changping District, Beijing

Neimenggu (1)

Shenbao compound, fendou town, hailaer district, Hulunbeier City

Overseas (except Macao) are still all high-risk areas.

Official Link:
































Upcoming Virtual Professional Learning Opportunites

Hello Colleagues,

Please check out the five upcoming PL opportunities below. All are included in our EARCOS and GOA memberships and can be self-registered. Please see Kasson with questions or for more information if you are interested.

  1. Translanguaging:  Designing Equitable Multilingual Spaces with Ceci Gomez-Galvez. Saturday, September 4th 10:00am-5:00pm Nanjing-time. Ceci is a great presenter and an L2 @ NIS alum. This session is sponsored by Korean International School and Liz Cho (a rockstar in her own right!). Summary: “The purpose of this session is to provide a translanguaging toolkit for not just EAL teachers, but ALL teachers, leaders and coaches who work and design learning experiences for multilingual learners in international schools. Join me for a weekend of building a translanguaging toolkit that will serve as the foundation for valuing multilingualism and nurturing a culture of equity in your school.” August 31st registration deadline.
  2. GOA Designing for Equity: Learning Environments. August 23-27  Summary: “We invite you to join us as we work through modules focused on Self, Equitable Design, Facilitation, and Community, all in the interest of designing learning environments that cultivate and foster belonging. Each day, participants will choose from two design challenges that are intended to support and challenge participants towards responsibly designing, facilitating, and fostering equitable learning environments by translating intention into concrete action. You’ll leave with practical applications and ongoing considerations to influence your practice going forward.” GOA courses are asynchronous, but now have an optional synchronous session during each week.
  3. GOA Designing for Equity: Content September. 20-24 Summary: “In this course, we will seek to equitably curate and deliver content that is aligned to student learning outcomes. You’ll leave with practical applications and ongoing considerations to influence your practice going forward. We invite you to join us as we work through modules that prioritize intentionally equitable content curation, delivery, and alignment to and for learning outcomes.”
  4. GOA Designing for Equity: Assessment. October 18-22 Summary: “In this course, we will design assessment systems and structures that disrupt barriers and built-in inequities in order to design for all learners to have access and opportunity to show and share their learning. This course offers an opportunity to commit to a more equitable educator practice alongside a global community of educators. We encourage you to engage with these varied perspectives and adapt and transfer what you can to your own specific context.”
  5. GOA Designing for Online Learning. Now offered as a self-paced course. Ask course alums Amanda L, Angela F., Iryna K., Kasson, Laurie, Ruth, Sarah M., or Seth for more information. A great primer or refresher on online pedagogy. Geared to grades 4/5 and up. It’s GOA most popular course, ever!