Year: 2021

Secondary Student Council 2021-22

It’s your chance to join Secondary Student Council!

Hello Secondary Students!

We have extended the deadline for sign ups to the end of the week (Thursday, Sept. 30)- if you would like to join the NIS Student Council, please complete the form in the link below. We will follow up with all interested members after the October Golden Week Holiday.

Please contact Sunny(seohyuncho) or Yewon(yewonjang) if you have any questions.

🔔🔔🔔Latest risk level alert(September 27) and official link for query of risk level🔔🔔🔔

By September 27, there were high-risk areas, 47 medium-risk areas.
High Risk Area(3)
Haerbin city, Heilongjiang Province (1)
Forestry bureau area, Xinglong Town
Putian City, Fujian Province (1)
Fengting Town, Xianyou County
Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Xinmin Town, Tongan District
Medium Risk Area (47)
Haerbin city, Heilongjiang Province (7)
Aida 88 compound, Nangang district
Wandaxiuyuan compound, Songbei district
Haopengshiji compound, Bayan county
Zhongxingjiayuan compound, Bayan county
Shenglongguoji compound, Bayan county
Henglong Huayuan compound, Bayan county
Xiangjiangshuian compound, Mulan county
Suihua city, Heilongjiang Province (1)
Xingangwan compound, Beilin district
Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (2)
Renan community, Zhonghua Subdistrict 
Fumanjiayuan compound, Housing community, Kaiyuan Subdistrict 
Haicang District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Shuiyunwan compound, Songyu  subdistrict
Huli District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Caihong huayuan compound, Luling community, Jiangtou subdistrict
Tongan District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (7)
Guantianyangyili, Xike Town;
Biyue village, Datong subdistrict;
Fenggang community, Xiangping subdistrcit;
Guzhuangdingbufangli, Datong subdistrict;
Yangzhai community, Xiangping subdistrict;
Shanpingli, Xihu community, Xiangping subdistrict;
Meianli, Butang village, Wuxian town
Xiuyu County, Putian City, Fujian Province (4)
To Huxiroad in the east, to beipu road in the west, to xingxiu road in the south, to Daying road in the north,Hushi Town
To Dazhong road in the south, to unnamed road in the north, to ligand road in the west, to unnamed road in the east,Hushi Town
To ligang street in the east, to Xiujiao road in the west, to Dongzhenshuiqu in the south,Hushi Town
Rongfuyipin compound,Hushi Town
Xianyou County, Putian City, Fujian Province (19)
Xiangling Village, Laidian Town;
Baokeng village, Jiaowei Town;
Dingcuo natural village, Jintian village, Laidian town;
Building8, Fuliyuanshiting, Linan town; 
Xianan community, Linan town; 
Xipu community, Linan town;
Yuanzhuang middle school;
Xianzhu village, Duwei Town;
Fenglin village, Yuanzhuang Town;
Yuanzhuang community, Yuanzhuang Town;
Xueshi community, Fengting town;
Shanghu village, Fengting town;
Cangxi village, Fengting town;
Jinhu village, Fengting town;
Xibei village, Fengting town;
Xinan village, Fengting town;
Dongzhai village, Fengting town;
Shantou village, Fengting town;
Haibin village, Fengting town;
Quangang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (2)
Jiulin Village, Jieshan Town;
Dingfu natural village, Jieshan village, Jieshan Town
Anxi County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
Changxin village, Longjuan
Jinjiang, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
No.145-149, 213, 230-232, Heping north road, Sucuo village, Chendi town
Taiwanese investment zones, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
Longfu Community
Overseas (except Macao) are still all high-risk areas.
Official Link:




黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 巴彦县 (1): 兴隆镇兴隆林业局有限公司街道办事处全域


黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 南岗区(1):爱达88小区

黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 松北区(1):万达秀园小区

黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 巴彦县 (4): 兴隆镇浩鹏世纪花园小区;恒隆花园小区;巴彦镇中兴家园小区;巴彦镇盛隆国际小区

黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 木兰县(1):木兰镇香江水岸小区

黑龙江省 绥化市 北林区(1):鑫港湾小区

福建省 厦门市 海沧区 (1): 嵩屿街道水云湾小区

福建省 厦门市 思明区( 2): 中华街道仁安社区部分区域;开元街道后江社区福满家园小区

福建省 厦门市 湖里区 (1):  江头街道吕岭社区彩虹花园小区

福建省 厦门市 同安区(7):西柯镇官田洋一里;大同街道碧岳村;大同街道古庄顶布房里;祥平街道凤岗社区;祥平街道阳翟社区;祥平街道西湖社区山坪里;五显镇布塘村美安里

福建省 莆田市 秀屿区(4): 笏石镇笏西路以东,北埔路以西,兴秀路以南,大营路以北的区域内; 以笏石镇阳光幼儿园为中心,南至大众路,北至70米外无名路,西至荔港大道,东至160米外无名路范围内;笏石镇荔港大道(笏石段)以东,秀郊路以西,东圳水渠以南区域内;笏石镇荣府一品小区


福建省 泉州市 安溪县 (1): 龙涓乡长新村

福建省 泉州市 晋江市 (1): 陈埭镇苏厝村和平北路145-149号、213号、230-232号


福建省 漳州市 台商投资区(1):福龙社区


Join Student Council (last day to sign up)

Join Student Council!

Hello Secondary Students!

If you would like to join the NIS Student Council, please complete the form in the link below by Tuesday, September28th.

Please contact Sunny(seohyuncho) or Yewon(yewonjang) for further questions

Thank you!

The Wizard of Oz Cast List

A huge congratulations to everyone who auditioned for The Wizard of Oz! We are incredibly excited about this year’s production.

The cast list has been posted outside the Black Box.

Please see Mr Brown or Ms Philip to sign for your script.

Social & Emotional Wellness Bookmarks

Click here for bookmarks you can color in to help you reach your goals, whether it’s reading a certain number of books or drinking enough water every day. There are also checklists, bingo cards, and other items to help you with your social and emotional wellness (we can all use a little support these days!).


ASW Monday and Wednesday!

The After School Workspace is open Monday and Wednesday this week in the Learning Support Area (C142) from 3-4:15. ALL grade 6-12 students are invited to attend. Work on assignments and projects, study for assessments, or ask for help if you need it.

See you there!

🔔🔔🔔Latest risk level alert(September 23) and official link for query of risk level🔔🔔🔔

By September 23, there were high-risk areas, 39medium-risk areas.
High Risk Area(2)
Putian City, Fujian Province (1)
Fengting Town, Xianyou County
Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Xinmin Town, Tongan District
Medium Risk Area (39)
Haerbin city, Heilongjiang Province (8)
Aida 88 compound, Nangang district
Liminjiayuan compound, Xinglong Town
Anminjiayuan compound, Xinglong Town
Anminxincheng compound, Xinglong Town
Building A, Henglong Huayuan compound, Xinglong Town
Building No.1, Wenhuajiayuan,Xinglong Town
Building No.1, Pinganju, Xinglong Town
Community Healthcare Center, Xinglong Town
Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (2)
Renan community, Zhonghua Subdistrict 
Fumanjiayuan compound, Housing community, Kaiyuan Subdistrict 
Huli District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Caihong huayuan compound, Luling community, Jiangtou subdistrict
Haicang District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Shuiyunwan compound, Songyu  subdistrict
Tongan District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (7)
Guantianyangyili, Xike Town;
Biyue village, Datong subdistrict;
Fenggang community, Xiangping subdistrcit;
Guzhuangdingbufangli, Datong subdistrict;
Yangzhai community, Xiangping subdistrict;
Shanpingli, Xihu community, Xiangping subdistrict;
Meianli, Butang village, Wuxian town
Xiuyu County, Putian City, Fujian Province (2)
Hushi Town
Enclosed area: to Dazhong road in the south, to unnamed road in the north, to ligand road in the west, to unnamed road in the east
Xianyou County, Putian City, Fujian Province (12)
Houshen Village, Jiaowei Town;
Xiangling Village, Laidian Town;
Dapu Village, Yuanzhuang Town;
Bookeng village, Jiaowei Town;
Dingcuo natural village, Jintian village, Laidian town;
Building8, Fuliyuanshiting, Linan town; 
Xianan community, Linan town; 
Xipu community, Linan town;
Yuanzhuang middle school;
Xianzhu village, Duwei Town;
Fenglin village, Yuanzhuang Town;
Yuanzhuang community, Yuanzhuang Town
Quangang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (3)
Dongqiu Village, Jieshan town;
Jiulin Village, Jieshan Town;
Dingfu natural village, Jieshan village, Jieshan Town
Anxi County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
Changxin village, Longjuan
Jinjiang, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
No.145-149, 213, 230-232, Heping north road, Sucuo village, Chendi town
Taiwanese investment zones, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
Longfu Community
Overseas (except Macao) are still all high-risk areas.
Official Link:





黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 南岗区(1):爱达88小区

黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 巴彦县 (7): 兴隆镇(兴隆林业局有限公司街道办事处)利民家园小区;兴隆镇安民家园小区;兴隆镇(兴隆林业局有限公司街道办事处)安民新城小区;兴隆镇恒隆花园小区A栋;兴隆林业局文化家园1号楼;兴隆林业局平安居1号楼;兴隆林业局社区卫生服务中心

福建省 厦门市 海沧区 (1): 嵩屿街道水云湾小区

福建省 厦门市 思明区( 2): 中华街道仁安社区部分区域;开元街道后江社区福满家园小区

福建省 厦门市 同安区(7):西柯镇官田洋一里;大同街道碧岳村;大同街道古庄顶布房里;祥平街道凤岗社区;祥平街道阳翟社区;祥平街道西湖社区山坪里;五显镇布塘村美安里

福建省 厦门市 湖里区 (1):  江头街道吕岭社区彩虹花园小区

福建省 莆田市 秀屿区 (2): 笏石镇笏西路以东,北埔路以西,兴秀路以南,大营路以北的区域内; 以笏石镇阳光幼儿园为中心,南至大众路,北至70米外无名路,西至荔港大道,东至160米外无名路范围内


福建省 泉州市 安溪县 (1): 龙涓乡长新村

福建省 泉州市 晋江市 (1): 陈埭镇苏厝村和平北路145-149号、213号、230-232号


福建省 漳州市 台商投资区(1):福龙社区


Primary House event this Friday

The first house event for school year 2021 is coming soon.

Please wear your house T-shirt for the coming Friday!

Are you ready to pull?

Wearing your house shirts can earn extra points !!

School Year 21/22 Front Office Schedule

With the additional responsibilities and changed layout please see the revised School Year 2021/2022 Front Office Work Schedule and Procedures:

Operating Hours

School Weeks:

The Centre Front Desk:

  • Monday to Friday: 7:30 to 18:30
  • Saturday: 8:00 to 16:00

Main building reception:

  • Tuesday to Friday 14:00 to 16:00

Photocopying and Printing:

  • Submitted works will be completed in 5 working days.

Mail & Packages:

  • Daily 13:30 to 14:00, delivery to the Mail Room.

Holiday Weeks:

The Centre Front Desk:

  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 to 16:00


NIS Front Office Team

🔔🔔🔔Latest risk level alert(September 22) and official link for query of risk level🔔🔔🔔

By September 22, there were 5 high-risk areas, 26medium-risk areas.
High Risk Area(5)
Putian City, Fujian Province (1)
Fengting Town, Xianyou County
Xiamen City, Fujian Province (4)
Wutu community, Xinmin Town
Xitang community, Xinmin Town
Wulu community, Xinmin Town
Ganling community, Xinmin Town
Medium Risk Area (26)
Haerbin city, Heilongjiang Province (2)
Liminjiayuan compound, Xinglong Town
Anminjiayuan compound, Xinglong Town
Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (2)
Renan community, Zhonghua Subdistrict 
Fumanjiayuan compound, Housing community, Kaiyuan Subdistrict 
Haicang District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Shuiyunwan compound, Songyu Subdistrict
Tongan District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Guantianyangyili, Xike Town
Xiuyu County, Putian City, Fujian Province (2)
Hushi Town
Enclosed area: to Dazhong road in the south, to unnamed road in the north, to ligand road in the west, to unnamed road in the east
Xianyou County, Putian City, Fujian Province (12)
Houshen Village, Jiaowei Town;
Xiangling Village, Laidian Town;
Dapu Village, Yuanzhuang Town;
Bookeng village, Jiaowei Town;
Dingcuo natural village, Jintian village, Laidian town;
Building8, Fuliyuanshiting, Linan town; 
Xianan community, Linan town; 
Xipu community, Linan town;
Yuanzhuang middle school;
Xianzhu village, Duwei Town;
Fenglin village, Yuanzhuang Town;
Yuanzhuang community, Yuanzhuang Town
Quangang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (3)
Dongqiu Village, Jieshan town;
Jiulin Village, Jieshan Town;
Dingfu natural village, Jieshan village, Jieshan Town
Anxi County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
Changxin village, Longjuan
Anxi County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
No.145-149, 213, 230-232, Heping north road, Sucuo village, Chendi town
Taiwanese investment zones, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
Longfu Community
Overseas (except Macao) are still all high-risk areas.
Official Link:





黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 巴彦县 (2): 兴隆镇(兴隆林业局有限公司街道办事处)利民家园小区;兴隆镇安民家园小区

福建省 厦门市 海沧区 (1): 嵩屿街道水云湾小区

福建省 厦门市 思明区( 2): 中华街道仁安社区部分区域;开元街道后江社区福满家园小区

福建省 厦门市 同安区(1):西柯镇官田洋一里

福建省 莆田市 秀屿区 (2): 笏石镇笏西路以东,北埔路以西,兴秀路以南,大营路以北的区域内; 以笏石镇阳光幼儿园为中心,南至大众路,北至70米外无名路,西至荔港大道,东至160米外无名路范围内


福建省 泉州市 安溪县 (1): 龙涓乡长新村

福建省 泉州市 晋江市 (1): 陈埭镇苏厝村和平北路145-149号、213号、230-232号


福建省 漳州市 台商投资区(1):福龙社区


Quiet Friday Lunch in the Library

Since we have primary library classes when secondary students are relaxing during lunch on Fridays, please take your conversations either upstairs to the cafeteria or outside. Continue to study, work on homework, or read in the library. Thanks!

Volunteering Experience at the Shangri-La Hotel

On Saturday, September 25th, volunteers are needed to run children’s games and do face painting.

This is an OFF-CAMPUS volunteering opportunity – at the Shangri-La Hotel.

Sign up on Veracross.

10 brilliant face paint kits to encourage kids' self-expression

Looking for 12 students in grades 6-8 to run activities for the small children.
12 noon – 4 pm
No food or transport provided.

Contact Mr Romero for additional information.

Looking for 6 students in grades 9-11 to run do face painting.
12 noon – 2 pm or 2 pm to 4 pm
No food or transport provided.
Contact Mr Romero for additional information.