Day: August 25, 2022

This Morning’s Start

Good morning!

Coffee and tea is available in the Staff Lounge from 8:00am this morning. We will plan to start together at 9:00am in the PAC with a learning-focused session. No tech is required.

See you there and then! 

School  FA PIAO Information

Below is our school  FA PIAO information:

公司名称:南京国际外籍人员子女学校   (Company Name: Nanjing International School)

统一社会信用代码 52320100YA1210249X  ( Tax Number)

地址:南京市栖霞区仙林大学城学衡路8   (Address: Xue Heng Lu 8, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China)   电话 025-85899111 (Tel)

开户行:江苏银行南京北京西路支行            (Bank Name: Bank of Jiangsu Beijing XiLu Branch)

公司账号 31060188000016344  (Company Bank Account)

Please keep the above info, just in case you could request a FA PIAO  in China, for your school business trip, such as PD, workshop, conference and so on.


These activities will be available all day today & tomorrow.

Grab some colleagues and head on over to play… or just show up and join in!

All equipment will be provided.

Ping Pong in the foyers | Badminton in the Green Gym | Soccer and Volleyball in the Blue Gym

Temporary Parking Application

Parking Rules – SLT confirms that during new school year will continue the current temporary staff parking rules, follow the “first in first serve” principle, and the rules will be reviewed by each semester.  Please email with the subject as “Temporary Parking Application” for internal registration.