Day: September 28, 2022

“A Christmas Carol” cast meeting TODAY

All cast members for “A Christmas Carol” have a meeting in the Black Box during Advisory today!

(So, if you’re in the play and reading this in Advisory…GO TO THE BLACK BOX NOW.)

GCD Pecha Kucha is back!!!

We are looking for about 5 G9 -12 students to present at the G9 GCD Launch in November.

Students share a GCD story of their choice eg Intercultural Communication using the preferred method of Pecha Kucha presentation style. Check out the website for more info on what Pecha Kucha is: . But other formats of sharing stories will also be accepted – speech, interpretative dance, PPT presentation. This will also count as Public Communication.

Please email Launch Organiser: if you are interested before Friday the 30th.

Today’s NAT Schedule

PKK1       8:30-8:35am
G1            8:35-8:40am

G2           8:40-8:45am

G9&10    9:00-9:20am

Score Keepers Needed Thursday

Have you done your volunteering yet?

Thursday after school from 4.30 pm we are hosting a friendly volleyball tournament.

We need 3 more volunteers to keep score. It’s super easy!

Please sign up on SchoolsBuddy NOW!


CMB Notice

CMB Qixia Branch will CLOSE on October 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and OPEN on October 6, 2022 during National Holiday.