Volunteers G7-12 Nov 3rd – 5th

Volunteer as a scorekeeper at the ACAMIS Volleyball Tournament.

Sign up from Monday, Oct 24th at 13:00 on SchoolsBuddy. You must attend one of the two short meetings on Thursday, Nov 3rd at 12:30 (lunch 2) in the Blue Gym to learn how to score keep.

Sign up on SchoolsBuddy:

Shift 1 – 8 people – Thursday, Nov 3rd – 13:40 – 17:00 (G7-10)

Shift 2 – 8 people – Friday, Nov 4th – 9:10 – 11.45 (G7-10)

Shift 3 – 8 people – Friday, Nov 4th – 13:10 – 17.00 (G7-10)

Shift 4 – 8 people – Saturday Nov 5th – 8:40 – 11:30 (G7-12)

Possible Learning outcomes (choose only one)

  • Ethics – You were principled and gave the points to the right team! You did not cheat.
  • Collaboration – You worked with a partner and also listened to the referees.
  • Challenge and New Skills – This was your first time scorekeeping but you know how to do it now and can do it next time and explain to someone else how to do it.
  • Commitment and Perseverance – You did not find the experience interesting and you thought it was too long or volleyball is not an exciting game or you did get to score keep for a NIS game so you had to watch schools that you did not know etc.
  • Strength and Growth – you are a pro at scorekeeping so you were able to teach other people how to do it.