You can vote until Wednesday at 3:00 for your favorite Panda picture books! Updates will be posted on Thursday. Next vote will be on Friday.
You can vote until Wednesday at 3:00 for your favorite Panda picture books! Updates will be posted on Thursday. Next vote will be on Friday.
Today’s Tech Tip is a list of what I find are some of the most helpful keyboard shortcuts to help save time. Most of these shortcuts rely on you pressing a combination of keys together, and most of the time you will be starting by pressing and holding the Command Key (or Cmd) ⌘ followed by another key, then letting both/all of them go together.
I’ll start with the really common ones, and then include a few of the less common but really useful ones that I use all the time.
Copy, Cut and Paste
Select everything
Undo – Redo
Screenshots, Screen Snips and screen recording
OK, they were the ones I use every day. Now for a few less common but equally useful ones.
And finally a special shortcut for the Maths Dept, courtesy of Sarah.
That’s it for today’s Tech Tip. See you again next Tuesday.
Tech Coach Ken
Please find the attached list of 21 students from Grade 7-8 will be absent from school on March 9-12th for SCISAC Volleyball competition in Xiamen. SCISAC Volleyball Name List
Dear All,
The emergency contact cards are in your pigeonhole at mailroom, please feel free to collect it.
Thank you.
Please find the minutes from this week’s Monday Briefing here. Thanks!
Both homeroom group photos (PAC foyer) and mugshots (upstairs cafeteria) for the students who missed the autumn photo day will be taken tomorrow (Wednesday). Please see the attached schedule for the HOMEROOM group photo times which will be taken in the PAC foyer. The mugshots will be taken in the upstairs cafeteria from 12:00-12:30 for Pre-K to G5 students and from 12:30-1:00 for G6-12 students. Please see the attached list of students who need mugshots taken. Staff members who did not have a photo may also come at these times.