Day: March 9, 2023

Precious Plastic – TODAY!

Today between 12 and 1pm, G9 students will stage a Pop Up shop for Precious Plastic. The aim of the shop is to sell products made from recycled plastic AND to gather consumer data to inform our making. Please come and shop and, whether you purchase or not, please fill in our survey on the day. See you there!

March 11 Digital SAT

Final reminders for the March 11th SAT test taker from the SAT coordinator

  • Students are expected to bring their own devices with downloaded Bluebook. ( Take Practice tests in advance)
  • Students are to bring admission ticket: e-version/printed ticket/emails
  • Test center access: Arrive the test center by 7.45 AM. No test room entry later than 8.00 am.
  • Students should come with College Board login credentials/device sign-in credential. (College Board account and password)
  • The laptop should be fully charged before being used for two hours.
  • Follow Proctor’s instructions carefully.
  • Please check what you have to bring and what is expected here:

Invitation to In-person Mini University Fair on March 23

Dear Upper Secondary Students and parents,
The NIS University Counselling team is thrilled to invite you to our upcoming mini university fair session. We will be hosting representatives from HKUST, University of Warwick, and University of Glasgow on our campus: LGR, at 3.15 to 4.15 on March 23. We welcome all grade 9 to 12 students and parents to join us! Please mark the date on your calendar and do not miss this chance.
  1. Please click here if you want to attend :
  2. Or scan the QR code. (The sign-up deadline is the day before the session at 4:00 PM.)

  3. Do you want to find more information about the universities? Please click here : HKUST, Glasgow, Warwick Inforamtion (NIS University Counselling Edublog passcode : NIS2023)

Personal Project Exhibition

Grade 10s will not be in class during Block 2 on March 14 and the entire morning of March 15.

Please refer to the schedule for PP visits for other grades. If you teach the grade at the time, please bring them to the PAC on March 15.

Rules, rules, rules

In Secondary School we have a few rules that keep us safe and help us to respect each others’ space in school. Here is a reminder of a few:

  • Bags in lockers at lunchtimes (not the Design Centre, the gym changing rooms, the lost and found cupboard or the elevator!)
  • No bags in the Cafeteria at lunchtime
  • G6-10 Students should not be in the upstairs corridor at lunchtime

Please remember that after school you should go home unless you are staying for an organised activity:

  • Only Grade 10-12 students may be in the Cafe after school unless you are with your parents
  • The Library and Cafeteria are open for students waiting for an activity to start at 4:15pm

And finally.. please respect our rules about not bringing food from outside on to the campus.

Yours in rules that stop us from being unruly, Mrs Clarke