Day: May 30, 2023

Please pick up your artworks

Dear Secondary School Artists,

Please come to Design Centre to collect your amazing artworks that you created during the Semester 1 Visual Arts courses. Please take the artworks home, we’ll help you to wrap the ceramics properly so won’t get broken on the way.

Please pick up your artworks before next Friday, June 9.

Thank you!

TGIF This Friday

Hi Everyone,

Please join us for TGIF this Friday in the staff lounge.

First drink and pizza is on the Social Club- 10rmb for next drinks.

Add your suggestions for songs to this link and we’ll pop them on a playlist:

Secondary Students: gentle reminders

Gentle reminder to all Secondary Students to maintain the rules that we have in place for safety, environmental protection and respect for one another;

  1. Students may not bring food or drinks onto campus from outside: this includes after school
  2. Bags may not be brought into the cafeteria at lunchtime: they should be placed in lockers

Thank you for your cooperation and support for our community.