Today’s Tech Tip the first of a series where I’ll cover the use of OneDrive, Teams and Sharepoint as tools from the MSOffice365 suite that you can use to save and share files you’re working on.
You can save and share files from each of these, but each one is better for specific purposes.
The first tip is where to find each of these tools. Yes, you can access Teams and OneDrive as apps installed locally onto your laptop. However I recommend using the web based versions, as they have more powerful features in a numbers of cases, particularly OneDrive.
So firstly, I would strongly recommend bookmarking the following website.
This website is the “Sharepoint” site for NIS, but I will get into that in a later tip. The reason I’m recommending bookmarking this site now, is because on opening this site, you will see the “waffle menu button” in the top left corner. By clicking on this you can access the web based versions of all of the Office365 Apps, including OneDrive, Teams and Sharepoint.
The second tip for today is an overview of why you might use each of these tools for saving and sharing files. The following is a good rule of thumb.
- One Drive: Saving documents that you are working on yourself, individually as a draft. Sharing it with one or two people generally at a maximum.
- Teams: Saving documents which are being collaborated on by a group of people. The documents are living, editable files accessible to all members of that team.
- Sharepoint: Saving / uploading documents that are generally static and are for consumption rather than editing.
That’s it for today’s Tech Tip. Next week we’ll continue with this series and I’ll give some tips on the use of saving and sharing files from OneDrive specifically.
Remember, this tip, along with all previously published Tuesday Tech Tips can be found here on the NIS Sharepoint
Tech Coach Ken