Day: January 10, 2024

Grass Area CLOSED

Hi All,

Due to the maintenance of the grass area, it will be temporarily  closed for two weeks. Please don’t access the grass area because supplier used organic manure on it.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Wendy Huang

ManageBac Today 10.10

The SA/GCD section on ManageBac will reopen at 10.10 am today and close again at 10.55 am. (Wednesday, Jan 10) for Grade 6- 12 students.

This is the final chance to take action based on the feedback you have received via your advisor or from me via MB or email.

Unfortunately, there are no volunteering opportunities before the reports close. Lesson to be learned? Do your volunteering as early as possible!

Everyone is a Langauge Teacher Peer Sharing JAL in SH

As a Peer Sphere member school we are able to access an in-person PD event in Shanghai on Saturday, January 20th focused on supporting the langauge development of multilingual learners. Please click here for more information. This event itself is free to us as a member school. Train and hotel (if needed) are PLA eligible. Please let Kasson know if you are keen. Thanks!