The following students from the Gardening Group will go to the Strawberry Farms on Friday during Service. They will leave at the start of break and return around 12.40. This trip should have no impact on your classes. Gardening Group
Strawberry Farm Field Trip Friday
MYP Gardeners. Remember we are going on a Field Trip on Friday (March 1) to the Strawberry Farms. Meet in the Centre Lobby (in front of the swimming pool) at the BEGINNING of morning break at 10:40am.
Wear old shoes or boots (or a second pair) because it might be muddy and dirty.
Bring a packed lunch or snack. We hope to return before the end of lunch, but just in case, bring some food.
Any questions, please ask Mr. Shane or Ms. Moen
Teachers, see attached list of students.
SCISAC volleyball on February 29 – March 2
NIS will host SCISAC volleyball on February 29 – March 2, please find the attached list of 21 students from Grade 7-9, they will miss classes all day on Thursday (Day 4) February 29 and Friday (Day 5) March 1.Thank you for your understanding and support. SCISAC Volleyball Name List
ISNAC Football on March 1st
Please find the attached list of 26 students from Grade 8-12 will leave school at 12.45pm on Friday (Day 5) March 1 for ISNAC Football in Wycombe Abbey School Nanjing. ISNAC Football Name List March 1
Volunteering Opportunties G6-10
A few more students are needed OUTSIDE of class time to help:
Swim Meet Volunteers – Friday after school – 6 people
Volleyball Scorekeeper – Friday after school – 1 person
Volleyball Scorekeeper – Saturday 9 am – 1 person
Volleyball Scorekeeper – Saturday 12.45 pm – 1 person
Volleyball Scorekeeper – Saturday 4 pm – 1 person
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