Book Week will be April 8-12 (right after break but before Earth Week). The focus is again on primary this year, but we will expand next year to include secondary!
Please click here to sign up to be a guest reader in one of the primary classrooms. Teachers, please email me to let me know dates and preferred times if and when you would like guest readers in your rooms throughout the week. Some teachers want one reader daily, others only one or two for the week. Readers typically read one book and then leave.
There will be a book fair for all grades in the PAC foyer from M-F from 7:30-4:00. Books in English and Mandarin for all ages. Cash, credit, WeChat, and AliPay are all accepted. We have sent info to parents requesting they send no more than 200RMB with students to purchase books (especially since parents have access all day long). I have shared a sign-up form via email for classes to sign-up to visit the book fair.
Todd Plaster (Master Plaster) is a STEM storyteller and author who incorporates magic tricks into his shows, and he will visit NIS Wednesday and Thursday to present to grades PK-5 by grade level. Grade 5 will have a slightly different performance than the younger grades. Schedule to come Friday.
Thursday will be the only dress-up day, and it is “Dress Up As Your Favorite Book Character.”
Friday will have a Book Quiz House Challenge. More info to come.
Book Week poster