Year: 2024

All student library books due on Friday!

Just a reminder that all parent and student library books are due on Friday, May 31. We begin boxing up the library on June 3 for our move to the new HUB in July!

Teachers, you may continue to check out books as needed (keeping in mind we are beginning to box the secondary books then the primary books). All teacher library books are due on Wednesday, June 19.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

University and Career Counselor(UCC)’s Reminder

Dear all,

This is a gentle reminder of the upcoming events and deadlines for G10-12 students.

  • Sungkyunkwan University Information Session: May 24, from 15:10 to 16:00.
  • G10 Students’ Work Experience Week Proposal Form Submission: Deadline is May 24, at 4:00 pm.
  • G11 Students’ Letter of Recommendation (LOR) Request Form Submission: Please submit the form to your recommenders and UCC via email.
  • G12 Students’ Pick up of the Leavers’ Packet: When you come to sign, please ensure that you have organized your Bridge-U application status and confirm your transcript records in my office.
  • SAT on June 1st.


Yangshan Park Run May 26

Sign up for the last Yangshan Park Run before the end of the school year to raise money for an animal sanctuary that NIS Animal Welfare Service Group supports. Scan the QR code in the poster to sign up.

Contact Ms. Chen or Rosie if you have any questions.

EY Exhibition

Our first EY Exhibition opens for parents today.

We encourage all teachers to visit the Exhibition over the coming week. Please view the exhibits and  read the documentation – hopefully it will give you a glimpse into the power of play, the transdisciplinary nature of inquiry and how student voice and student choice is honoured in the EY.

There will be a large number of parents in the EY corridor between 9.10 -10.00 this morning, which may impact movement through the corridor for classes.

Green Gym Open for Primary Lunch Today

Due to hot weather, we will open the Green Gym for Primary students at lunch break today. This means there will be no table tennis activity at lunch today.

The gym is not open for morning break.

Please inform students of this change.

Facility Notice

Dear all,

Equipment Testing of Fire-fighting & Lockdown System on this coming Sunday (May 26th)  8:00am~9:00pm. Please ignore the broadcasting, the alarming bell and the flickering blue lights during the period.

Thanks for your understanding.

Facility Team

Reminder to visit Jason & Jiyul’s joint art exhibition!


If you have not yet had the chance to visit Jason (G11) and Jiyul (G10)’s joint art exhibition, please do take a look before June 7th (Yes!! The exhibition has been extended)! Their amazing artworks, some from school and some from their own personal collection, are on display in the Centre Cafe 2F during school hours. Teachers, please feel free to bring your class over for a visit as well!

E-requests Reminder, for the Housing Rental 2425

To whom it may concern,

We need to get the housing rental E-request forms ready for the next school year, in the E-request system before 10 Jun 2024. Our fantastic ICT director, Dr. Doak, would publish a how to guide about it.

Below info is for your information as well:

E-request system website:

New Form – Request Form

Title & Description: e.g. Housing Rental Aug to Sep 2024

Budget Department: 03 HR

ExpenseDetail – Add

Expense Types: Housing Allowance – Teachers Housing Allowance

Expense Types: Salary Deduction – Overpaid Allowance Deduction (only if the actual amount is more than the allowance)

FA PIAO or Invoice, Official Receipt: No Invoice

Preferred Payment Date:

5 days before the beginning of the rental period in general

e.g.  25 Jul 2024, if the Title is Housing Rental Aug to Sep 2024

Payment Method: Local Bank Transfer

Payee‘s Info or Bank Info: Payee’s Bank Account Name, Bank Account Number, and Bank Branch Name. (If you got no idea about it, ask your landlord or me)

After the first E-request form is ready, you can copy it 5 times and update the Title & Description, Preferred Payment Date accordingly.

Any enquires, please let me know.





Good morning all,

Saturday is our graduation ceremony for the class of 2024. This year the celebration and the dinner will be held in the PAC, unlike last year where the ceremony was in the gym, followed by dinner in the PAC. Because of that, unfortunately, the seating is limited to the graduates and the invited guests. My apologies for not clarifying that earlier; I didn’t realize that last year the ceremony was open to everyone because of the larger space. Thank you for your understanding, and sorry for any confusion.

The graduates will all be around campus on Friday morning for their senior check out, followed by a graduation rehearsal in the PAC from 11-12. Please feel free to come and wish them well at any point that morning!



Summer Program from University of Cambridge

If you are interested in a summer program at Downing College, University of Cambridge in the UK, both in-person and hybrid options are available.

Please read all the details including the residential period, cost, choice of program, and age level from the brochure attached here,

  1. Pre-sessional Brochure.pdf,
  2. Summer Programme Outline Document.pdf

If you have any further question, please contact me via email : or visit my office.

Thank you.

Artist Showcase: Jiyul (G10)

NIS is proud to present a solo art exhibition created and curated by our very own Jiyul in Grade 10. Please visit her art exhibition in the Centre Cafe any time during school hours – opening now until May 31st!

Don’t miss seeing her amazing drawings in person, created with oil pastel, graphite, and color pencils from Visual Arts class and from her own personal collection. Photos don’t do them justice!

Jiyul / G10 / 2024

And a huge thank you to Ms. Eleven for helping students set up their solo art exhibition! We appreciate you so much!



Our grade 5 students will run their PYPX in the PAC this morning from 9:00-12:30.  Our students did a great job last night evening sharing with their families. 

Secondary school teachers, and mentors please see the sign up form here for you and your students to come and join the Exhibition

Hope to see you in the PAC!