ACAMIS Chinese New Year Greeting Card Challenge

ACAMIS Chinese New Year Greeting Card Challenge – THIS COUNTS AS A CREATIVITY EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!

The Academic and Cultural Enrichment (ACE) component of ACAMIS hosts an annual Chinese New Year Greeting Card Challenge. All member schools are invited to participate! A winner will be selected from each grade level and the artworks displayed on the ACAMIS website. Here is how to participate:

  1. Open to all grades and classes (not just art!) from K-12.
  2. Participating schools will select a single submission for up to three grade levels (Primary, Middle, and Secondary).
  3. Submissions should be medium resolution for digital viewing (around 120 ppi).
  4. Submissions should be in either jpeg or pdf format.
  5. No student or school names should appear in the greeting card.
  6. Please include the words: “ACAMIS” and a positive, new year greeting in the design.
  7. Deadline for submission is Tuesday, January 8th.

Send your submission to or drop them off in D236.

See attachment for last year’s winners. Two were from NIS!