ACAMIS Chinese New Year Greeting Card Challenge – THIS COUNTS AS A CREATIVITY EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!
The Academic and Cultural Enrichment (ACE) component of ACAMIS hosts an annual Chinese New Year Greeting Card Challenge. All member schools are invited to participate! A winner will be selected from each grade level and the artworks displayed on the ACAMIS website. Here is how to participate:
- Open to all grades and classes (not just art!) from K-12.
- Participating schools will select a single submission for up to three grade levels (Primary, Middle, and Secondary).
- Submissions should be medium resolution for digital viewing (around 120 ppi).
- Submissions should be in either jpeg or pdf format.
- No student or school names should appear in the greeting card.
- Please include the words: “ACAMIS” and a positive, new year greeting in the design.
- Deadline for submission is Tuesday, January 8th.
Send your submission to or drop them off in D236.
See attachment for last year’s winners. Two were from NIS!