Category: •Parent

Grade 6 Reporting Prototype Meeting Info

Hello Grade 6 Parents,

Thanks so much for attending today’s meeting. Please find the slides and criteria attached. Looking forward to your feedback!

Warm Regards,


Reporting Prototype Parents









ACAMIS Badminton

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We are hosting the ACAMIS Badminton this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  All parents, teachers and students are welcome to come to the gym to support our players. At this link you will find details of the tournament including the schedule. The results page will be updated regularly through the tournament. Website homepage:

Homework Club

Happy Monday! Hope you had a great break!

If you need help on your homework, studying for assessments, organizing yourself, or just like doing homework in a quiet place with teachers there ready to support you, come on down to the Learning Support area today (Monday) at 3:15!

Tech & Music Evening

The Music Evening is the biggest music event of the school year. Each year, up to 180+ students perform a variety of pieces that they’ve been working on throughout the school year. This includes not only clubs, but also music from private lessons, small ensembles, etc.

Date Change:

This year’s music evening was scheduled at the same time as Athletics Day and so has been shifted one day forward. This means that the tech rehearsal will now be on Monday, April 25th from 3:15 – 5:15.

Coaches & Athletes:

We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to your practices, but we will need students for the technical rehearsal. Students who have practices are asked to wear their sports clothes to the rehearsal. They will be able to leave the very moment their part in the performance is done. If their part of the performance is later in the program, then they can go to the practice first, and then we’ll have someone call them when it’s their turn to go on. The key here is negotiating and compromising – we will do our absolute best to get you your athletes ASAP.  If you have any questions or comments, please see Miss Amy Keus or Mrs. Heidi Dean.

Inter House Football Results Gr9 – 12

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A dramatic last minute goal for Taiping girls team against Wutaishan meant that Taiping and Xuanwu could not be separated for the top position in yesterday’s Football tournament.  There were fine performances all round and all players should be congratulated on their efforts.

This means that the Shield scores are now as follows:

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Lost & Found

Dear All,

Lost & Found items will be out on display in the school foyer (in front of the Library) until the end of the week.

Please take a few minutes if you are missing anything.

Unclaimed items will be donated to charity.

MYP Student Led Conferences

Hello Students in Grades 6-10,

A reminder that tomorrow are our annual Student Led Conferences. You know, that one day a year when you actually get to show your parents what you do all day at school. Don’t worry, Thursday you can go back to the usual script of:  Mom & Dad: “How was your day at school, honey?” You: “Fine.” …. and, scene.

So, here’s the plan for tomorrow:

  1. Show up with a parent or two, a charged laptop, and a positive attitude.
  2. Sign-in with one of our smiling teachers in the Centre Foyer.
  3. Visit each of your classes with a parent/parents.
  4. Show off.
  5. Dry the tears of joy your parents have after realizing that you are amazing.
  6. Repeat until finished
  7. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Grade 5 & 6 girls wanted

The Junior CISSA Girls basketball team are looking for more players!! If you dont have an activity on Mondays and/or Wednesdays after school, then why not get active on the basketball court. It doesn’t matter if you have never played before. You will learn new skills, have lots of fun with your friends and will go to Shanghai to play in a tournament in May. You can speak to either of the coaches, Mr Jesse Douma or Ms Cassie Smith if you are unsure and would like to know more. You can sign up on veracross.

Its been a bad week for Wutaishan!!

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Congratulations to joint winners of Friday’s PYP Basketball Shoot: Taiping and Xuanwu.

Following the previous Friday results, this means that Wutaishan, with three 3rd places in a row, have gone from a strong 1st place down to 3rd place in the race for the House Shield, with Xuanwu taking the second place slot for the first time this year. What a turnaround and what can Wutaishan do to get back on track? Maybe they will fare better at this Thursday’s Gr9 – 12 football competition and get themselves back in the race. Be there to find out!!

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