Category: •Parent

New Hot Weather Protocol

Hi everyone,

Please note the newly updated hot weather protocol. Hot Weather Protocol at NIS.pdf

Updates reflect new ranges of humidex values. These guidelines are to be used when determining protocols for BTT, sports activities and other outdoor activities.

Many thanks for all those keeping our students safe and healthy.

Volunteers needed for the NIC BBQ

Come help at the NIC BBQ.

Two shifts available:

12:00 – 1.15 pm

1.00 – 2.15 pm

This event takes place at the Westin Hotel at Garden Expo.

Sign up on SchoolsBuddy then go find Mr Santi to choose a specific activity: face painting, volleyball, etc.

October 9 PSAT Registration Opens-Register by September 13

Dear Grade 9, 10, and 11 students and parents,

This is a reminder that PSAT test will take place on Wednesday October 9 from 9:00am to 11:30amWe accept registration requests from all the students in Grades 9, 10, and 11. Please submit the survey(clickHERE or scan the QR code) to sit the test. The spots will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. Students should pay RMB 140 to take the PSAT. For your convenience, this fee is now payable through the School Wechat Mall by September 13.

 PSAT/NMSQT is being offered digitally starting in fall 2023. It follows the same timing as all other tests in the digital SAT Suite. The test time is 2 hours and 14 minutes, including Reading and Writing Section(64 min) and Math Section(70 min). Test details and guidelines for the test day will be sent out before the National Holiday week. PSAT test is considered to be excellent preparation for the SAT test, as its contents and structure are very similar to the SAT. To learn more about PSAT, please visit the CollegeBoard website and our Edublog (Password: Lions2025).

Campus Access = SchoolsBuddy Sign-ups

In order to participate in Activities (student activities, athletics, swimming, community) after school or on Saturdays, students need to be signed up on SchoolsBuddy.

Please refer to the Campus Guidelines shown to you during advisory.

Stop by the Activities Office if you would like help with SchoolsBuddy signing up for Community Activities.

Upcoming University Information Sessions

Dear students and parents,

Please check below details of upcoming university information sessions:

College Date Time Venue
Bentley University Wednesday Sep 4th 12:00-13:00 HUB B160 (1st floor, next to director’s office)
Boston University Thursday Sep 5th 10:10-11:00 HUB LGR 3 (2nd floor)
UCL Thursday Sep 5th 12:00-13:00 HUB LGR 3 (2nd floor)
New York University Tuesday Sep 10th 11:30-12:30 HUB LGR 3 (2nd floor)