Category: Staff

Attention Sugar Challengers (Your Feedback is Needed!)

Dear NIS Sugar Challengers!

Thank you for participating in the NIS Sugar Challenge! We are thrilled to share that over 100 individuals participated! We want to collect data on how things went for all our participants. This survey will help us gather valuable feedback on your experience during the challenge. Your input is greatly appreciated. Please fill out this survey by the end of the week.

Thank you!

CMB Notice

CMB Qixia Branch will CLOSE on May 3, 4, 5 and OPEN on May 1, 2 during International Labour Day.

Any application for telegraphic transfer and foreign currency exchange will NOT be processed at CMB from May 1 to May 5, 2024.

Film Crew on Campus Monday and Tuesday

Dear all,

We’re making a new Secondary School introduction video! Our friends at Orbit will be on campus the entire day next week on Monday (interviews) and Tuesday (b-roll). On Tuesday, you may see them in the halls of the Secondary School and we might want to visit your class to film learning in action. As always, participation is optional – please let us know if we can come in or not to record.

Many thanks for your support,


Artist Showcase: Marsha (G8)

NIS is proud to present a solo art exhibition created and curated by our very own Marsha in Grade 8. Please visit her art exhibition in the Centre Cafe any time during school hours – opening now until May 10th!

Don’t miss seeing her personal collection of artworks created in a variety of art media: graphite, pen and ink drawings, digital drawings, Chinese brush paintings, and oil painting.

YiFan (Marsha) / G8 / 2024

G8 & G6 BSN vs. NIS Debate

Four G8, one G7, and four G6 students are to be excused from B4 at 1:50 and all of B5 today to partake in a debate with BSN from 2:00 – 3:30. The students to be excused are listed in the attached password protected PDF.

BSN vs. NIS Debate

Student Support Meetings: Service Teachers and Advisors Help

Today the Secondary counselors, along with Kasson and Angela, will meet with all students in Grades 6-11 by grade level. If you are a Service Teacher or Grade 9 Advisor, could you please help us get these students to the Main LGR (Grade 11 location TBD) at their assigned times below? A similar post has been put into the student bulletin this morning as well. Many thanks.

Grade 10 9:10-10:10 Block Two (Wellness as usual)

Grade 9 10:30-10:50 (Advisory)

Grade 11 11:00-12:00 (Wellness as usual: Location TBD)

Grade 8 11:00-11:15 (Service as Action)

Grade 7 11:20-11:35 (Service as Action)

Grade 6 11:40-11:55 (Service as Action)

About the Housing Rental Request Form

We’ll reschedule the eRequest System training soon. One of the task after the training, is to help our teachers with the housing rental E-request for the next school year.

Some teachers could find a copy of your current year housing rental request form in the mailroom. Please keep it, in case you need a sample to fill in the e-Request Form. It included the info such as the description of the rental period, bank info and payment amount.

Also, you could ask your landlord or housing rental agent for the info when filling the e-Request Form.





eRequest System Training This Afternoon!

As mentioned previously, we are rolling out a new eRequest system.  There will be a training session today from 2:45 to 3:30 pm in the PAC.

In this training, we will:

  • Learn how to login
  • Learn how to decide which form to fill out
  • Learn how to fill out the main forms
  • Learn how to print documents

If you are interested, support documents are available here.



WIDA Testing Secondary

WIDA Testing Schedule

Most Language Acquisition English (English B) students will be involved in WIDA testing this week. The summary timetable is below.


Grade 9: Block 1 & 2 (D240)

Grade 8 and Grade 10: Block 4 & 5 (D240)


Grade 7: Block 1 & 2 (LGR)

Grade 6: block 4 & 5 (LGR)



GCD Stories Grades 9-11

Global Citizen Diploma Stories


Again, here are the times and days you can tell a story about your GCD journey:

Your scaffold must be completed. You can find it under FILES here on MB.

Please upload to MB (scaffold including summary + title, photos, recording) and send me the link.

If you are writing a story, please upload (story, title + photos) and send me the link.

Here are the deadlines and total number of stories required:

Let me know how I might support you.

It’s ManageBac Monday

G6-11 students!

Please use some advisory time on Monday to write up your MB entries.


  • Action
  • Benefit
    (Choose ONE outcome ONLY)


  • Change
  • Demonstration
  • Evidence (Photo!)

eRequest System Training Tomorrow!

As mentioned previously, we are rolling out a new eRequest system.  There will be a training session from 2:45 to 3:30 pm, Tue, 23 Apr 2024 in the PAC.

In this training, we will:

  • Learn how to login
  • Learn how to decide which form to fill out
  • Learn how to fill out the main forms
  • Learn how to print documents

If you are interested, support documents are available here.