Category: Staff

Campus Access = SchoolsBuddy Sign-ups

In order to participate in Activities (student activities, athletics, swimming, community) after school or on Saturdays, students need to be signed up on SchoolsBuddy.

Please refer to the Campus Guidelines shown to you during advisory.

Stop by the Activities Office if you would like help with SchoolsBuddy signing up for Community Activities.

Facility Notice

Dear all,

Monthly Equipment Testing of Fire-fighting & Lockdown System on this coming Sunday (Sep 1st)  8:00am~4:00pm. Please ignore the broadcasting, the alarming bell and the flickering blue lights during the period.

Thanks for your understanding.

Facility Team

Upcoming University Information Sessions

Dear students and parents,

Please check below details of upcoming university information sessions:

College Date Time Venue
Bentley University Wednesday Sep 4th 12:00-13:00 HUB B160 (1st floor, next to director’s office)
Boston University Thursday Sep 5th 10:10-11:00 HUB LGR 3 (2nd floor)
UCL Thursday Sep 5th 12:00-13:00 HUB LGR 3 (2nd floor)
New York University Tuesday Sep 10th 11:30-12:30 HUB LGR 3 (2nd floor)

Primary – Assembly and PAC evacuation

Can all classes be seated in the PAC, ready for our assembly to begin at 8.10am.

Please send all performers and MCs to the PAC at 8am.

At the end of the assembly we will announce a PAC evacuation. The alarm will sound and all classes and parents should move quietly through the nearest exit door and line up on the track (in the same lines as the emergency evacuation) and wait until asked to return to class.  Teachers do not need to take attendance during this evacuation.

Library Services Paused Sept 2-3

Please note that Library services will be on paused for 2 days, September 2nd to 3rd, 2024 to allow time for our librarians to focus on organizing the library resources. This means that there are no library classes or library checkouts on these two days. The Hub space IS open and can still be used during breaks and for teachers to bring their classes.

Library services will resume again on Wednesday September 4th, 2024.

Many thanks for your support.

Ms. Chow

Personal Project Selection by Staff

It’s that time of year for staff to select which G10 Personal Project they wish to supervise.

Can the following staff members please open the following spreadsheet and add their name beside ONE project that they wish to supervise.

2024-25 Personal Project Supervisor Selection

NOTE: It is better for both you and the student if you chose a project in which you have a personal interest in the learning goal and/or product.

  • Adam Harold
  • Daniel Jones
  • Corey Zochi
  • Matt Burton
  • Scott Corbett
  • Iryna Klyuk
  • Cheryl Moen
  • Anthony Lee
  • Jean Yang
  • Angel Chen
  • Olin Morrow
  • Tanya Farrol
  • Sam Brown
  • Natalia Merino
  • Jose Ibanez
  • Shiqi Burton
  • Alexia Lastschenko
  • Mike McHugh
  • Phil Farrol
  • Danny Griffith
  • Sandra Chow
  • Mandy Bueschlen




Where to go for Advisory + Service Block – Thursday 29 August

Hi Grade 6 – 11 Students

We will have an extended Service Block today (Advisory + Block 3).

You will have this session with your regular Advisor in your regular Advisory room, unless your Advisory group is listed below.

  • Baksh (Grade 9): Go to the Design Centre. Mr Brady will lead your session
  • Boucher (Grade 9): Go to the Black Box Theatre (next to PAC). Ms Philip will lead your session.
  • Shane Wu (Grade 8): Go to D342. Ms Zhang will lead your session.
  • All Grade 11 students go to D243. Mr Morrow and Mr Chesterman will lead your session.

You will be working on a proposal for a potential Service Project. I look forward to reading your ideas!

NWEA App Download for MAP Testing

Dear Grade 6 – 10 Advisors

Please use the time in Advisory today to check that all students have successfully downloaded the NWEA App.

Instructions on how to do this can be found here.

Have a great day

Grade 12 Recommenders’ Appreciation Tea Party

Grade 12 parents and Pearl prepared a small Appreciation Tea Party at Pearl’s office during snack time on Friday

for the recommenders who wrote letters to support senior students’ college applications.

A homemade cupcake and tea will be waiting for you to enjoy. Please come and join us.

If you are not available, please let Mandy know. We will deliver them to your room.

Parents and students, including myself, appreciate your work.



PeerSphere Facilitator

Dear Colleagues

A professional learning opportunity has opened up for two staff to assist with hosting a Peer Sphere conference that will be held here at NIS in October.

NIS is hosting this professional learning community event which is participant-driven, focusing on gathering to connect in-person, share practices, and explore common professional inquiries.

The opportunity is to take on the role of ‘facilitator’ and help direct the discussion in one of the breakout spaces. The event is focusing on Student Agency, and we are seeking facilitators for the break-out room topics of ‘Standards meets Student Agency’ and ‘Technology for Choice’. We can though, be very flexible and change the topic to anything related to Student Agency that you are interested in.

Your role is simply to guide the conversation in the room for the one-hour breakout session. You do not need to prepare a presentation or be an expert on the topic. You are there to get people talking and delve into the learning yourself.

The event is on October 19 from 12 until 4:30pm. For my information, please see the event website.

Andrew and I will be there to lead the event, along with the Peer Sphere staff, so you will be well supported throughout. If you are interested in this opportunity, please send me an email or come and have a chat.


PHE and Community Sports Equipment – NIFC Footballs

Hello wonderful community,

If you have a ball that looks like this lying around in your classroom, please can you return it to the PE office for an alternative ball.

These belong to the NIFC community activity and they are missing quite a few.

Thank you in advance for your support of this.

Wishing you a wonderful day.

Activities Team

Primary – Conference Times

Teachers can find a PDF of their conference times here

We will contact any parent who has not signed up today to encourage them to do so. If you have already, or would prefer to do this yourself, please let me know
