Category: Staff

Secondary Collaboration Today

Good morning all,

For the secondary collaboration time today, please meet in departments and continue working forward on the goals you set earlier this year. If those goals are complete, consider the following action points:

Language Agreements – what language expectations can you make in your departments and grade levels to support students working in English and engaging in productive stuggle?

Language scaffolds – look ahead to the upcoming units and consider the language demands of them. What vocabulary will the students need? What type of writing, reading or speaking wiill they need to do? Where can you plan mini-lessons or scaffolds to target those language skills as you teach the content?

AI proof assessments – what assessments – formative or summative – can you update so that you have an authentic and accurate picture of what the students know and can do without the help of apps or their friends?

Accessible assessments – knowing that students are coming with a wide range of language abilities, what scaffolds can you add to ensure the widest possible access of the questions?

Data and Interventions – look at your assessment data/map data for students and devise small group or individual interventions to address student needs and/or update upcoming lessons/units to address those needs.

Thank you!


Lunch Bytes: MagicStudent!


This week I will be covering some recent updates to the MagicSchool Platform as well as allowing those who have already used MagicStudent with their students to share more about what you did and how it went. Hopefully, this will be a great way to learn form the experience of other fantastic educators here at NIS! If you are willing to share please come and join us!  If you want to learn, please come and join us!

Tue 09/04/2024 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM Room D220
Thu 11/04/2024 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM Room D220

Come learn more about these awesome additions and how AI can be integrated into your classroom.

Hope to see you there!

Primary School Meeting in LGR

This afternoon’s Primary school meeting will now be held in the LGR (not in the PA room, as originally stated in Sunday’s bulletin).

Seeking Staff Helpers


This week the primary school will be hosting our annual Athletics Day Carnival

A lot is happening and I would GREATLY APPRECIATE any helpers for the following times:

Wednesday 14.30 to 15.00 – Speed relay practice run

  • A small team of athletes from grades 2 to 5 will get familiar with their starting positions and run through a practice session

Thursday 8.00 to 8.40 – 400m and 800m events

  • A small group of Athletes from grades 3 to 5 will compete in two of the longer-distance events

Thursday 15.00 to 16.30 / Friday 8.00 to 10.00 – Main event set up

  • Moving equipment from the green gym to the track and field

If you’re available to lend a hand at any of the above times, please reach out! 🙂

Lee –

AI in the Classroom Examples

Are you using AI tools in the classroom?

Have you changed an assessment task to leverage AI in some way, shape, or form?

We’d love to hear more about it!

Shannon and Kasson will be presenting our early AI journey at the upcoming ACAMIS conference and would love to share a few examples of how AI tools are being used at NIS. Please drop us a quick line and we’ll come chat. We promise to share back what we pick up from other schools as well!



Primary Athletics Day – This Friday

Our primary school Athletics Day is happening this Friday!

Come out and cheer on our athletes as they compete to earn points for their houses.

There are two events in particular that we’d love all the cheering and support we can get:

Speed Relay @ 12.30 to 13.00 (Grade 2 to 5’s fastest runners)

MEGA Relay @ 14.15 to 14.30 (One gigantic event featuring a mix of runners from grades 1 to 5, also including teachers and parents)

*Please note that the track and field will be out of bounds to ALL students during morning recess and lunch break on this day

Seeking Staff Helpers


This week the primary school will be hosting our annual Athletics Day Carnival

A lot is happening and I would GREATLY APPRECIATE any helpers for the following times:

Wednesday 14.30 to 15.00 – Speed relay practice run

  • A small team of athletes from grades 2 to 5 will get familiar with their starting positions and run through a practice session

Thursday 8.00 to 8.40 – 400m and 800m events

  • A small group of athletes from grades 3 to 5 will compete in two of the longer-distance events

Thursday 15.00 to 16.30 / Friday 8.00 to 10.00 – Main event set up

  • Moving equipment from the green gym to the track and field

If you’re available to lend a hand at any of the above times, please reach out! 🙂

Lee –

Talent Show Voting

Today we have the  student Council Talent Show, after watching the amazing performances – please vote for the ‘Audience’ choice award Using this QR code, the winners willll be announced in our next assembly!

PSAT 8/9 Test

PSAT test for Grade 8 and 9 is today from 9:30 to 12:00.

Test takers please go to your Block 1 class after Talent Show and then come to Centre H302 on the centre building 3rd floor at 9:30am. Please check your email for more information.

PD opportunity with Virginia Rojas and Andrea Honigsfeld

‘Towards a Transformative Multilingual Agenda’

A Professional Development opportunity with Virginia Rojas and Andrea Honigsfeld, two experts in the field of Multilingualism, is coming to Guangzhou.

Date: Saturday, Sunday, May 18th-19th, 2024
Time: 8:30 – 17:00

More information here: